VU Grand Quiz

MGT602 Solved Grand Quiz Spring 2021

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Our MGT602 Grand Quizzes cover a wide range of topics, meticulously prepared by our expert team to ensure accuracy and clarity. With a focus on strategic management principles and practices, these quizzes will deepen your understanding and enhance your critical thinking skills in the field of business strategy.

No more grappling with complex strategic management concepts or uncertain solutions! empowers you to excel in MGT602. Embrace the knowledge and skills you need to analyze business environments, formulate effective strategies, and achieve organizational objectives.

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Q1:  All of the following factors support the intrapreneurial  environment EXCEPT:

  • NO  opportunity parameters
  • Top management support
  • Failure not allowed
  • New ideas encouraged

Q2: Which one of the following factor decides the expansion and elimination of intrapreneurial units will organization?

  • Management
  • Evaluation
  • Reward
  • Training

Q3: In which of the following entrepreneur operates a business using the trademark and agrees to pay a fixed sum for use of the trademark?

  • Turn key project
  • Copyright collaboration
  • Franchising
  • Trade secrets sharing

Q4: Idea of  new product is tested in potencial consumers to determine consumer acceptance at ———stage.

  • Concept
  • Product development
  • Test marketing
  • Commercialization

Q5: Sparkle toothpaste introduces its toothpaste by making its powder obsolete , this acted is called:

  • Creative construction
  • Destructive obsolescence
  • Innovative destruction
  • Creative destruction

Q6: All of the following are the characteristics which make an entrepreneur successful and it should be adopted by the entrepreneurs,Except:

  • Understanding the environment
  • Discouraging bureaucratic environment
  • Discourage open discussion
  • Creating management option

Q7: Which of the following activities a traditional manager perform?

  • Centralized decision making
  • Controlled flow of information
  • Reactive approach in problem solving
  • All of the given option

Q8: which of the following is the next stage to the product development stage of product planning and development process?

  • Idea stage
  • Concept stage
  • Test marketing stage
  • Commercialization stage

Q9: GATT stands for:

  • General agreement on tariffsand trade
  • General agreement on trade and treasure
  • General agreement on tariffs and treasure
  • General agreement on the trade services

Q10: Which of the following perspective  of business plan sound finantial projections?

  • Entrepreneur perspective
  • Marketing perspective
  • Investor perspective
  • All of the given option

Q11: which of the following factor helps the companies most to the flexible in adopting changes.

  • Management decsisions
  • Customers relation
  • Technology
  • Productivity

Q12: Which of the following is the intrapreneurial leadership characteristic?

  • Strategic planning
  • Encourage the team work
  • Persistency
  • All of the given option

Q13: Trademark which shows another meaning in a certain language is classified as :

  • Coined mark
  • Arbitrary mark
  • Suggestive mark
  • Descriptive mark

Q14:  External forces directly affect all of the following to a business setup , except:

  • Segmentation strategies
  • Products range
  • Management structure
  • Businesses diversification

Q15: Which of the following actually affects the valuations of currency of a part particular country?

  • Barter system
  • Population
  • Balance of payment
  • Production factors

Q16: Which of the following source ideally provides formal and information survey feedback as source of  new idea?

  • Consumers
  • Existing companies
  • Distribution channels
  • Federal government

Q17: Which of the following perspective of business  plan considers the venture through the eyes of the customer?

  • Entrepreneur perspective
  • Marketing perspective
  • Investor perspective
  • All of the given option

Q18: A small venture that supports the owners and usually does not grow is termed as:

  • Foundation company
  • Gazelle
  • Lifestyle firm
  • Base firm

Q19: Which of the following is the need tha truly compliments the desire to be your own boss.

  • Need money
  • Need of achievement
  • Need of independence
  • Need of dependence 

Q20: ———– spirit very impotant for making innovation and growth in an organization .

  • Managerial
  • Entrepreneurial
  • Intrapreneurial
  • Organization

Q21:The successful intrapreneurs possess all the following individual characteristics EXCEPT;

  • Understanding the environment
  • Being visionary
  • Being inflexible
  • Encouraging open discussion

Q22:Which one of the following culture has a climate and reward system that favors conservation decision making

  • Entrepreneurial
  • Intrapreneurial
  • Corporate
  •  Open cultur

Q23:Which of the following country is a major entrepreneurial center?

  • France
  • Poland
  • Hong kong
  • Japan

Q24: Entrepreneurs  ability to meet debt and interest payment is tagged as ———–among the Cs.

  • Character
  • Collateral
  • Contribution
  • Cash flow

Q25: All of the following factors support the intrapreneurial environment EXCEPT :

  • No apportunity parameters
  • Top management support
  • Failure not allowed
  • New ideas encouraged

Q26: Moral support network includes following ,except:

  • Spouses
  • Friends
  • Business associate
  • Relatives

Q27:Which of the following is not a part of anintrapreneurial culture?

  • To take responsible and ownership
  • To b rewarded for the action taken
  • To introduce ideas
  • To limit yourself to the job description

Q28: which of the following gives -20  year registration with 20-year renewable terms?

  • Patent
  • Copyright
  • Trademarks
  • Trade secrets

Q29: Which of the following describes the statement ;  “method of stimulating ,and then capitalizing on , individuals in an organization who think that something can be done differently and better ‘’

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Intrapreneurship
  • Managerial domain
  • Administrative domain

Q30: In which source of new idea , laws and regulation of country help to generate new ideas?

  • Existing  companies
  • Distribution channels
  • Federal government
  • Research and development

Q31: North American  Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been between U.S, Canada and ————– .

  • Cuba
  • Mexico
  • Panama
  • Jamaica

Q32: Which one of the following term best describes a professional money manager who makes  risk investment to obtain a high rate of return on the investment ?

  • Entrepreneur
  • Venture capitalist
  • Corporate entrepreneur
  • Intrapreneur

Q33: Which of the following source of new ideas is considered as largest source of new ideas?

  • Existing companies
  • Distribution channels
  • Federal government
  • Research and development

Q34: In which of the following method  a new idea is development through a list related issues?

  • Gordon method
  • Checklist method
  • Free association method
  • Collective notebook method

Q35:Which of the following should not be included in the introductory page of the business plan?

  • Names of business
  • The name of entrepreneurs
  • Executive summary
  • Addresses of business

Q36: Which of the following method provides information in a structured formate?

  • Focus group
  • Brainstorming
  • Reverse brainstorming
  • Problem inventory analysis

Q37:Which  of the following section in patent application contains a description of the drawings?

  • Introduction section
  • Claims section
  • Invention section
  • None of the given option

Q38: Which of the following is alternatively called as corporate venturing ?

  • Entrpreneurship
  • Intrapreneurship
  • Bureaucracy
  • Corporation

Q39: Which of the following precisely refers to the services involving indirect pa payment  for good through another  source?

  • Third party payment
  • Non-equity arrangment
  • Third party exports
  • Third party arrangement

Q40: All of the following  characteristics exists in the firms having traditional cultural EXCEPT:

  • Established procedures
  • Lines of authority
  • Control mechanisms
  • Empowerment

Q41:Which of the following source ideally provides and in formal survey feedback as source of new idea?

  • Consumers
  • Existing companies
  • Distribution channels
  • Federal  government

Q42: Which of the following plan completely describes the manufacturing process?

  • Manufacturing plan
  • Marketing  plan
  • Financial plan 
  • All of the given options

Q43: Which of the following gives inventor the rightsof using and selling is own invention?

  • Embargo
  • Copyright
  • Quota
  • Treaty

Q44: Which of the following is not covered by federal  law but is recognized under common laws in each state?

  • Patent
  • Copy right
  • Trademarks
  • Trade secrets

Q45:which of the following is an unstructured process for generation all possible ideas with criticism allowed?

  • Focus group
  • Brainstorming
  • Reverse brainstorming
  • Problem inventory analysis

Q46:Which of the following set of  individuals has the primary motive of independence and ability to advance in the corporate rewards?

  • Traditional managers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Intrapreneurs
  • Administrative managers

Q47:Which of the following may be a word ,symbol , design, or some combination that identifies the source of certain goods?

  • Patent
  • Copyright
  • Trademarks
  • Trade secrets

Q48:Combining two or more independent companies into a single new company is called as :

  • Joint venture
  • Merger
  • Compartment
  • Nationalization

Q49: Which of the following factor has allowed small companies to act like they are big ones ?

  • Human resource
  • Finances
  • Technology
  • Customers

Q50: Which of the following protects the owner from anyone else making , using selling the identifies innovation ?

  • Utility patent
  • Trade mark
  • Trade name
  • Embargo

Q51: Which of the following term best describes the different between the value of a country ‘s imports and exports?

  • Deficit exports
  • Deficit imports
  • Balance of payment
  • Balance of debt

Q52: Giving patent rights in return of royalty to foreign manufacturer is termed as :

  • Franchising
  • Licensing
  • Foreign direct investment
  • Internationalization of patents

Q53: Which of the following factor helpsthe companies most to be flexible in adopting changes .

  • Management decsisions
  • Customers relations
  • Technology
  • Productivity

Q54: Which of the following plan describes how the products will  b distributed, period and promotion ?

  • Manufacturing plan
  • Marketing  plan
  • Financial plan
  • All of the given options

Q55: which of the following describe the statement”entrepreneurship within an existing organization”?

  • Intrapreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship
  • High potential venture
  • Gazelles

Q 56:which of the analysis will be helpful to get information aboutyour rivals?

  • SWOT Analisis
  • PEST Analysis
  • Competitior Analysis
  • Strategic Analisis

Q 57:which of the following best describe the statement” new product development with significance technological changes?

  • Iterative synthesis
  • Ordinary innovation
  • Technology innovation
  • Breakthrough innovations

Q58: Which of the following term best describes a professional money manager who makes risk investment to obtain a high rate of return on the investment ?

  • Entrepreneur
  • Venture capitalist
  • Corporate entrepreneur
  • Intrapreneur

Q59: The entrepreneur must possess the abilities of:

  • Creativity
  • leadership
  • understanding environment
  • all of the given options

Q60:All of the following are the types of non equity arrangement , except:

  • licensing
  • management  contract
  • direct export
  •  turnkey projects

Q61: Lenders are primary interested in the entrepreneur’s:

  • Personal networking
  • Ability to pay back loan
  • Educational capabilities
  • Demographics

Q62:The return and reward of the parents opportunity is viewed in light of any possible subsequent opportunities comes under which stage of entrepreneurial  process?

  • Identifying and evaluating the opportunity
  • Development business plan
  • Determine the resources required
  • Manage the enterprise

Q63: Which of the following is the most important element to trigger the necessary changes within an organization ?

  • Team efforts
  • Finance
  • Reward system
  • Top management commitment

Q64:which of the following section in patent application offers all details of possible infringements and their remedies?

  • Introduction section
  • Claims section
  • Invention section
  • Description section

Q65:which of the following option tells about entrepreneurs credit history?

  • Cost
  • Character
  • Collateral
  • Contribution

Q66: which of the following is the objective of GATT as an organization ?

  • Impose imports quotas
  • Liberalize trade by reducing quotas
  • Imposes tariffs
  • Increases tariffs

Q67:which of the following is a comprehensive written document describing all the relevant elements involved in starting a new venture?

  • Business plan
  • Company plan
  • Process plan
  • Marketing plan

Q68: Which of the following  is the intrapreneurial leadership characteristics?

  • Strategic planning
  • Encourage the team work
  • Persistency
  • All of the given option

Q69:The method of exchange without involvement of money is termed as:

  • Barter system
  • Goods trading
  • Resource trading
  • Resource exchange

Q70: Tangible assets appearing in a loan application represent:

  • Revenue
  • Character
  • Contribution
  • Collateral

Q71: An individual need of being his /her own boss is also called as need of:

  • Independence
  • Achievement
  • Affiliation
  • Authority

Q72:In which of the following area , getting education is necessary for the entrepreneur?

  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Strategic planning
  • All of the given option

Q73:If your equity is more than 50 percent of company’s complete shares, then you have :

  • Majority interest
  • Minority interest
  • Full interest
  • Partial interest

Q74: In which of the following method a new idea is development through a list of related issues?

  • Gordon method
  • Checklist method
  • Free association method
  • Collective notebook method

Q75:Which of the following arrangement allow the entrepreneur to enter a market without equality investment in the foreign market ?

  • Equity arrangement
  • No equity arrangement
  • Full equity arrangement
  • Half equity arrangement

Q76: which of the following culture has a claim and reward system that favors conservative decision making?

  • Entrepreneurial
  • Intrapreneurial
  • Corporate
  • Open culture

Q77: Lenders are primarily interested in the entrepreneur’s :

  • Personal networking
  • Ability to pay back loan
  • Educational capabilities
  • Demographic

Q78:Which of the following option best describes the attributes of an entrepreneurs internal locus of control ?

  • Self motivation
  • Accomplishment
  • Power of influence
  • All of the given option

Q79:which of the following offers moral support network for entrapeneurs?

  • Trade association
  • Professional affiliations
  • Teacher
  • Business associates

Q80:Which of the following gives inventor the rights of using and selling his own invention?

  • Embargo
  • Copyright
  • Quota
  • Treaty

Q81:Professional support network includes all of the following ,except :

  • Industry
  • Mentors
  • Trade associations
  • Friends

Q82:Atrademark showing no relationship between the mark and the goods and also afford the possibility of expansion , is classified as :

  • Coined mark
  • Arbitrary mark
  • Suggestive mark
  • Descriptive  mark

Q83: Which of the following product safety and liability claim can be used when the product was defective prior to its receipt?

  • Negligence
  • Warranty
  • Strict liability
  • Misrepresentation

Q 83:suppose an employee of the shoe maker firm suggest the management to introduce a new ladies shoe brand in the market, this act will be called as:

  • Managerial act
  • Entrepreneurial act
  • Intrepreneurial act
  • Organization act

Q 84:which of the following of business plan should begin with mission statement?

  • Financial plan
  • Executive summary
  • Industry analysis
  • Description of venture

Q 85: the amount paid to the actual inventor by the mere user of a particular intellecutual property is termed as;

  • Loyalty fee
  • Poyalty
  • Rovelty
  • Licensing fee

Q85: Entrepreneurs usually confront with the following types of risks

  • Psychological risks
  • Financial risks
  • Social risk
  • All of the given option

Q86:Warranty is a type of :

  • Claim
  • Restriction
  • Patent
  • Liability

Q87: Following are the guiding principles in a tradition of corporate culture Except:

  • Following  the line of command
  • Achieve target
  • Do not fail
  • Take initiative

Q88: Which of the following is not ncluded in four C’s of evaluation by the lenders?

  • Character
  • Cost
  • Continuity
  • Contribution

Q89: Which of the following is considered in economic and environment analysis study ?

  • Gross national product
  • Disposable income
  • Unemployment
  • All  of the given option

Q90:Which of the following is an understanding process for generating ideas with criticism allowed?

  • Focus group
  • Brainstorming
  • Reverse brainstorming
  • Problem inventory analysis

Q91Business expansion scheme was introduced in 1983 to provide capital to new business ventures in:

  • U.S
  • U.K
  • China
  • Russia

Q93:Which of the following factor has allowed small companies to act like they are big ones?

  • Human resource
  • Finances
  • Technology
  • Customers

Q94:Which of the following section in patent application offers all detail of possible infringements and their remedies?

  • Introduction section
  • Claims section
  • Invention section
  • Description section

Q95:An entrepreneur into hosiery  business found out the reason that  his hosiery items were not selling due to its color. What could be the best source of this information ?

  • Supplier
  • Retailer
  • Competition
  • Government bureau

Q96: Which of the following analysis entrepreneur will use to analyze the economic and cultural trends of country ?

  • Industry
  • Environment analysis
  • Competitor analysis
  • SWOT analysis

Q97:Which of the following plan completely describes the manufacturing process?

  • Manufacturing plan
  • Marketing plan
  • Financial plan
  • All of the given option

Q98:Which of  the following areas are preferred by women job seekers?

  • Administration
  • Finance
  • Manufacturing
  • Marketing

Q99: In technical sense anything over 50 percent of the equity of the firm is called:

  • Big interest
  • Complete interest
  • Full interest
  • Majority interest

Q100:Which of the following ‘’C’’ of credit lender represents the amount of personal equity  in the whole investment by the entrepreneur?

  • Cost
  • Character
  • Collateral
  • Contribution

Q101:Tangible assets appearing in a loan application represent:

  • Revenue
  • Character
  • Contribution
  • Collateral

Q102:Which of the following creates urge to start a new business:

  • Family
  • Friend
  • Teacher
  • All of the given option

Q103:The character of an individual describing his /her degree of influence and control on the people is called :

  • Locus of control
  • Motion of control
  • Locus of influence
  • Gain of control

Q104:Which of the following is the part of intellectual property right?

  • Patent
  • Trade mark
  • Trade secrets
  • All of the given option

Q105: Which of the given attribute is least associated with an entrepreneur?

  • Adaptability
  • Innovation
  • Imitation
  • Risk taking

Q106:Patent trademarks and copyright are the generally called :

  • Property rights
  • Actual property rights
  • Real property right
  • Intellectual property rights

Q107:which of the following term best describes the different between the value of a country ‘s imports and exports?

  • Deficit exports
  • Deficit imports
  • Balance of payment
  • Balance of debt

Q108:Which of the following choice offers the firms synergy , competitive advantage and reduction in operational cost of business while expanding inn the international market?

  • Acquisition
  • Joint venture
  • Majority interest
  • Indirect e exporting

Q109: The least describes factor for an entrepreneur with entrepreneurial finance is :

  • Low interest
  • High rate of return
  • Fixed interest rate
  • High interest rate

Q110:which of the following country is a major entrepreneurial center?

  • France
  • Poland
  • Hong kong
  • Japan

Q111:Individual who help the entrepreneur in business activities are categorized as:

  • Professional support network
  • Individuals network
  • Market support network
  • Industry support network

Q112:Giving patent rights in return of royalty to foreign manufacture is termed as:

  • Franchising
  • Licensing
  • Foreign direct investment
  • Internationalization of patents

Q 113:moral support network includes following ,expect:

  • Spouses
  • Friends
  • Business associate
  • Relatives

Q 114:time period available for creating a new venture is called :

  • Opportunity window
  • Venture space
  • Business window

Q 115:in which the following region business failure is considered as social disgrace?

  • Far east
  • Europe
  • Central Asia
  • Transition economics countries

Q 116:which of the following does not belong to internal locus of control?

  • Self motivation
  • Accomplishment
  • Power of influence
  • Fate

Q 117:the technique of developing a new idea by thinking about constraints is called:

  • Big dream approach
  • Gordon method
  • Ground method
  • Matrix charting

Q 118:which of the following factor has allowed small  companies to act like they are big ones?

  • Human resources
  • Finances
  • Technology
  • Customers

Q119:licensing a manufacturer giving a foreign manufacture the right to use all of the following,expect:

  • Patent
  • Trademark
  • Technology
  • Investment

Q 119:all of the following factors supports the intrapreneurial environment EXCEPT:

  • No opportunity parameters
  • Top management support
  • Failure not allowed
  • New ideas encouraged

Q 120:which of the following country ‘s administrative structure discourages innovative entrepreneurship?

  • Singapore
  • Japan
  • American
  • Hong kong

Q 121:which of the following arrangement allow the entrepreneur to enter a market without direct equity investment  in the foreign market?

  • Equity arrangement
  • No equity arrangement
  • Full equity arrangement
  • Half equity arrangement

Q 122:which of the following is the part of intellectual property right?

  • Patient
  • Trade marks
  • Trade secrets
  • All given option

Q 123:which of the following external environment force can easily analyze the market growth rate?

  • Political
  • Social
  • Economical
  • Technological

Q124:individuals usually stay away from entrepreneurs due to:

  • Fear of failure
  • Risk factor
  • Financial constraint
  • All of the given option

Q 125:which of the following option is most closely associated with entrepreneurial risk taking attribute?

  • Risk aversion
  • Risk management
  • Risk taking
  • Non of the given options

Q 126:which of the following is the best method for developeding new idea by looking at the positives and negatives of an item?

  • Free association
  • Attribute listing
  • Forced relationship
  • Value analysis

Q 127:all of the following are the characteristics which make an entrepreneur successful,EXCEPT.

  • Discouraging bureaucratic environment
  • Discourage open discussion
  • Understanding the environment
  • Creating management options

Q 128:which  of the following is a distinctive of reverse brainstorming in comparison of brainstorming method?

  • Low quantity method
  • Criticism is allowed
  • Individuals are unaware of problem
  • No time limit

Q 129:which of the following document an entrepreneur should first file to establish a date of conception ?

  • Patent
  • Disclosure document
  • Statutory report
  • Copyright ballot

Q 130:which one of the following is a method for obtaining new ideas and solution by focusing on problem?

  • Problem inventory
  • Gordon method
  • Checklist method
  • Scientific  method

Q 131:which of the following is the formation of a new business in which two firm share the equity?

  • Merger
  • Joint venture
  • Management contract
  • All of the given option

Q 132:the act of selling product to a ”foreign sale office “ that is located in the host country is anb example of:

  • Indirect exporting
  • Direct exporting
  • Bartering
  • Joint selling

Q133:which of the following is the need that truly compliments the desire to be your own boss.

  • Need of money
  • Need of achievement
  • Need of independence
  • Need of dependence

Q 134:if your equity is more than 50%of company complete shares , then you have:

  • Majority interest
  • Minority  interest
  • Full interest
  • Partial interest

Q 135:which one of the following is the most valuable factor while bringing in the intrapreneurial culture within an organization ?

  • Economical
  • Technological
  • Political
  • Social

Q 136:which of the following is a sound strategic option for an organization when its purpose is to get the 100%ownership in the  international business operation?

  • Mergers acquisition
  • Joint venture
  • Minority interest
  • Indirect exporting

Q137:which of the following perspective of business plan considers  the venture through the eyes of the customer ?

  • Entrepreneur perspective
  • Marketing perspective
  • Investor perspective
  • All of the giving option

Q 138:decision regarding source of business finance for initial venture is exactly  made stage of:

  • Organizational planning
  • Financial planning
  • Marketing planning
  • Operational planning

Q 139:which of the following allows the purchasing country to gain foreign expertise without turning ownership over to a foreigner?

  • Turn key project
  • Licensing
  • Direct exporting
  • Management contracts

Q 140:an entrepreneur is one who brings resources ,labor ,material and other assets into combination that marks their value greater than before this view is of:

  • Economists
  • Psychologists
  • Sociologists
  • Scientists

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