VU Grand Quiz

MGT211 Solved Grand Quiz Spring 2021

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Our MGT211 Grand Quizzes cover a comprehensive range of topics, meticulously prepared by our expert team to ensure accuracy and depth of understanding. With a focus on financial accounting principles and practices, these quizzes will deepen your knowledge and enhance your problem-solving skills in the field of accounting.

No more struggling with complex accounting concepts or uncertain solutions! empowers you to excel in MGT211. Embrace the knowledge and skills you need to analyze financial transactions, prepare financial statements, and interpret the financial health of a business.

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All of the following barriers exist due to economic differences in international trade Except.

                                                   Different environment

All of the following statements are true regarding partnership except____________.

                          There is no partnership income tax; the individual partners pay a personal income tax on their portion of partnership profits.

The form of business organization that generally has the largest volume is the __________.


Which of the following is NOT a secondary industry?

                          Genetic industry

Which of the following is a primary industry?

                       Extractive industry and Genetic industry ….both

Which of the following is a Secondary industry?

                           Constructive , manufacturing, services industry…all options

Which of the following is the partner who does not take part in the management of the business but is known to the public. He is liable to the creditors of the film?

                                        Silent partner

Which of the following is the partner who takes active part in the affairs of business and its management.He contributes his share in the capital and is liable to pay the obligations of the firm?

                          Active partner

Which of the following is the partner who takes active part in the affairs of the business but is unknown to the public as a partner. He is liable to the creditors of the firm?

                          Secret partner

Which of the following is the partner who only contributes is the capital but does not take part in the management of  the business. He is liable to pay the obligations of the firm?

                                       Sleeping partner

Which of the following is the  partner who invests a large portion of capital in the business. He has a prominent position in the firm due to his experience, skill, energy, age and other facts?

                             Senior partner

Which of the following is the partner in a firm can make an agreement with a stranger to share the profits earned by  him from the partnership business. He is not liable for any debt and can not interface in the business matters?

                                           Sub- partner

Which of the following is a person who has a small investment in the firm and has a limited experience of business?

                                 Junior partner

Which of the following is a person who is over 18 years of age. A person is allowed to make contract when he has attained the age of majority?

                                        Major Partner

Which of the following is a person who is minor cannot enter into a valid contract.  However, he can become a  partner with the consent of all other partners. He can share profits of a business but not the losses?

                           Minor Partner

Which of the following is a  partner who neither contributes in capital nor does he take part in the management of  the business but allows his name to be used in the business is known as. He is individually and jointly liable for the debts of the firm along with other partners?

                          Nominal Partner

Which of the following is A partner whose life has expired is known as.  The share of capital and  profit of such partner is paid to his legal heirs in lump sum or in installment?

                             Deceased Partner

Which of the following is a A partner whose liabilities are limited to his share in business is called.  He  cannot take active part in the management of the firm?

                                        Limited Partner

Which of the following is a A partner whose liabilities are unlimited is known as.   He and his personal  property both are liable to clear the debts of the firm?

                                      Unlimited Partner

Which of the following is a A person who is newly admitted in the firm with the consent of all the partners.  He is not liable for any act of the firm performed before he became the  partner unless he agrees.

                                     Incoming partner

Which of the following is a A partner who leaves the firm due to certain reasons is known as.  He is liable to pay all the obligations and debts of the firm incurred  before his retirement?

                                                      Retired Partner

Which of the following is a  a partner is entitled to receive certain share of profits and is not held liable for losses is  known as .  He is not allowed to take part in the management of the  business?

                                               Partner in profits only

Which of the following is a A person, who was the partner of a firm but has now retired from active participation in  business and has left his capital in the business as a loan, receiving interest on it, is known  as ?

                                                  Quasi Partner

Which of the following is a A person who holds himself out as a partner of a firm, before a third party or allows other to  do so, though he is not a partner of that firm, is called.  He is not entitled to any right like other partners of the firm. He is not entitled to  any right like other partners of the firm.  He is personally liable to the third party for the  credit given to the firm, on the faith of his representation. 

                                       Partner by Estoppel

Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of a business?

                                           Voluntarily contribution

Which of the following is a characteristics of a business?

                                 CAPITAL, CREATION OF UTILITY, DEALING IN GOODS AND SERVICES, Employment, Islamic Process, Motive, Organization, Productions or Purchase of goods, Regular transaction, Risk and uncertainly, Sale or transfer for value, Social welfare ……. ALL OPTIONS

The difference in value between a country’s exports and imports is called

                                              Balance of trade

Those countries where people are earning US $9000 or more.

                                   High income countries

Those countries where people are earning between US $765 and $9000

                                  Middle income countries

Those countries where people are earning below US $765.

                                       Lower income countries

The country becomes a ________ when the value of imports exceeds than value of exports in the balance of trade.


Which of the following is not an example of non-profit making organization?


____________ meeting must be held at least one in three months and at least four times in a year.

                                    Director meeting

On which of the following dates companies ordinance came into force?

                           January 1, 1985

 Statutory meeting is held by which of the following companies?

                                 All options

Environmental forces that are controllable are called?

                                      Internal forces

Statutory report must be send to the shareholder before meeting that is certified by at least;

                              3 directors of CEO

A major disadvantage of the corporate form of organization is the __________-.

                            Double taxation of dividends

The activity directed towards producing wealth through buying and selling goods is termed as ?


‘One man one vote’ principle is applied in _________.

                                   Co-operative society

First directors are usually named in the _______.

                             Articles of Association

The rules and regulations of a co-operative society are formed in its_________.

                       Co-operative rules

Annual General Meeting of the company that held.

                               Once in a year

The person who takes the major risks of a business by committing equity and time is known as


In which type of business, Government gives the financial assistance?

                                      Joint stock company

In which stage of the company formation, MOA and AOA are submitted in the registrar’s office?

                                           Incorporation stage

Which of the following factor(S) contribute to success of new business.

                                         All options

Social welfare is one of the objectives of:

                                      Public limited company

Which of the following business form has the shortest life span?

                     Sole- partnership

The activities that are undertaken for personal satisfaction and not to earn profit or income are known as_________.

                            Economics activities

Business benefits the people by providing them.

                                         Large number of services

Which of the following can be the strength of an organization?

                                       Presence of few competitors

 In which of the following industry, raw material is converted into finished or semi finished goods


WTO was established in _______

                                    January 1995

 Franchiser gets a large amount of money from franchisee as ______ while using its name.


All of the following form of business has high failure rate EXCEPT.

                           Corporate societies

Which of the following is included in economic factors?

                                     Exchange rate

First meeting of the members of public limited company is known as__________

                                  Statutory meeting

Which industry is concerned with the extraction and production of raw materials?

                                   Primary industry

Which industry use raw materials and make useful goods?

                            Secondary industry

The liability of a sole trader is.


A major advantage of the corporate form of organization is ________

                          Reduction of double taxation

A period of business cycle that is characterized by high employment rate may be the period of;


It is difficult to transfer the rights of ownership in?

                                         Sole proprietorship

Which of the following is not the adjective of the directors meeting?

                                        To recommend dividend

The law relating to joint stock companies has been laid in company’s ordinance?


First directors are usually named in the ____________.

                              Articles of association

The law relating to joint stock company has been laid in companies ordinance, 1984 which came into force on _________ in Pakistan.

                                                    Januray 1985

In which stage of the company formation, MOA and AOA are submitted in the register’s office

                                 Incorporation stage

The registration of a joint stock company is;


A major disadvantage of the corporate form of organization is the _________.

                               Double taxation of dividends

Which of the following statement is false.

                            Joint Venture do not provide opportunities to acquire new experitise

The relationship between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any one of them acting for all is called _________


In which economy, the government decides that how many resources have to bee generated and how the resources should be allocated?

                                     Planned economy

Economist and policy makers are interested in Demographics attributes to determine the ;

                                         Demand patterns

Which document contains the objective of the business and the ways to achieve those objectives?

                                               Business plan

_____________is the simplest form of business organization, which is owned and controlled by one man

                               SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP

Two or more organization combine together and form a new organization.


The word ‘limited’ at the end of the company name means;

                                     Shareholders has limited liability

Which entity supervises the work of all cooperative societies?

                                         Cooperative department of provincial government

Barriers to international trade include;

                                         All options

_________________- generally has unlimited liability

                         The owner of a sole proprietorship

Investment, revenue, expenses and net profit is discussed in _______ of business plan?

                                   Financial part

A document that contains rules and regulations of the company.

                   All options

 The buying and selling of goods by way of electronic media, such as telephone is called;


Which of the following can be the situation of wound up of a company?

                   All options

The list annual general meeting should be held with the _________ of incorporation of a company.

                                    16 month

The sale of products and services via internet is fall under the;


Which of the following is required the certificate of commencement?

                     A public limited company

The activities that are undertaken for personal satisfaction and not to earn profit or income are known as________

                            Non ecnomiecs activites

Which of the document contains the objectives of the business and the ways to achieve those objectives?

                            Business plan

Auditors are generally appointed and their remuneration, fixed at the ________

                          All options

A _____________ imposes limits on the quantity of a good that can be imported over a period of time.


Which of the following is a new trend in which two or more organization combine together and form a new organization?


If the value of exports exceeds than value of imports the balance of trade is said to be favorable or a.

                            Trade barrier

Which mode of the business is formed when several business concern undertaking units are combined to carry on the business together fro achieving the economic benefits?


All of the following best describes the practice of corporate social responsibility, EXCEPT;

                           Interaction with government

Compared to licensing, franchising is a more advantageous entry mode because;

                     All options

Which of the following business type can avail some concessions from the government?

                         Cooperative society

The first stage in Evolution of business is;


A  sole proprietorship business may have;

                                     All options

Which of the following business type can avail some concessions from the government?

                           Cooperative society

An agreement between two parties in which one party passes on the right to other  party is called;

                             Franchising agreement

Which of the following can be the situation of wound up of a company?

                                     All options

The liability of each member in cooperative society is .

                                        Limited to the share capital

In what type of business, Expansion is comparatively difficult than others.

                         SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP

Following are the advantages of cooperative society except;

                             Lack of profit incentive

Goods produced domestically and sold in some other country is called___________


Total income of the country/ Total population is the formula to calculate.

                           Per capita Income

A market survey is important because it tells you;

                                       All options

Which of the meetings is held only once in the life of a public company?

                                                  Statuary meeting

When a business enters into a legal arrangement to allow its name and product& services to be used by others for a fee it is called


Which  of the following factor(s) contribute to success of new business

                                      All options

In which type of business, Government gives the financial assistance?

                               Co-operative society

A person or an organization that works for an exporter or importer is called ________________


Which of the following documents contains the name and address of the joint stock company?

                            Memorandum of association

All of the following barriers exist due to economic differences in international trade EXCEPT;

                                                  Preferences for particular product

The form of business organization that generally has the largest sales volume is the;

                                                      Sole proprietorship

Which of the following is NOT the characteristics of a business?

                               Voluntarily contribution

Which of the following is not an example of non-profit making organization?


Which of the following can be categorized an opportunity for an organization?

                              Good product development

Which of the following is NOT the characteristics of a business?

                                    Voluntarily contribution

 Sole proprietorship always enjoys;

                               100% of profit after tax

Which of the following can be categorized as opportunity for an organization?

                                 High employee turnover

A document that contains rules and regulations of the company.

                                  Articles of association

The notice calling the annual general meeting, must be given to all its members at least

                             30 days

It is difficult to transfer the rights of ownership in ?

                             Sole proprietorship

Which of the meetings is held only once in the life of a public company?

                            Statuary meeting

Which of the following is an example of genetic industry?

                                  Poultry farms

Which of the following have not active participation in the management of the partnership firm?

                             All options

The notice of the statutory meeting must be sent to each _______ at least ________ before the meeting.

                               Shareholders, 21 days

In which meeting of the joint stock company, the board of directors is elected by the shareholders?

                        General meeting

Which of the following should be considered when designing a business plan?

                         Financial components of the business

Who signs the documents on behalf of the joint stock company?

                                 Common seal is used for its signature

____________ is a kind of loan which is acquired from the market.


Partners will have to pay all the debts of the business even from their personal property.


A phenomenon in which a person searches for an opportunity and try to avail it is called


In which forms of business one party gives the right to other party to do the business by using his name and trademark?


Which of the following enjoys limited liability?

                                       A corporation

Which for the following statement is false?

                                    One reason for failure small business is that most entrepreneurs are younger than 25 years old

All of the following best describes the practice of corporate social responsibility, Except

                                               Interaction with government

Which of the following can be categorized as opportunity for an organization?

                                 High employee turnover

Which of the following have powers of decisf bion making in joint stock company?

                                                 Board of directors

It is difficult to transfer the rights of ownership in?

                            Sole proprietorship

The notice calling the annual general meting, must, be given to all its members at least _________ days before the date of the meeting

                                 30 days

ALL of the following can be the advantage of the franchise business. Except

                             Independency  of business

Occurrence of widespread price increases throughout an economic system


The form of business organization that generally has the largest sales volume is the


The limit imposed by one country on importing commodities from another country is known as


Statutory meeting is held by which of the following companies?

                           All options

Two or more organization combine together and form a new organization.


Which of the following is a new brand in which two or more organization together and form a new organization


Which is the first stage in the formation of joint stock company?

                                 Promotion stage

Which of the following is NOT an attribute of sole proprietor ship business?

                           Profit sharing

Certificate of Commencement is issued by the

                                       Registrar of the companies

A market survey is important because it tells you;

                       ALL options

Two or more people or organizations join hands and decide to do a business, formed a separate

                                 Joint venture

Which of the following is the total output of goods and services produced by an economic system is a given period of time?

                            Aggregate output

When a person provides his services to society on the basis of his specialized knowledge and experience is terms


__________ are the government taxes on import that raise the price of foreign goods and make less competitive goods


 __________ describes the government payments given to certain industries to help offset some of their costs of production?


Auditors are generally appointed and their remuneration, fixed at the _________

                                               Annual meeting

The relationship between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any one of them acting for all is called


The formation of ________ does not require any legal formality like registration

                                     Sole proprietorship

A period of business cycle that is characterized by high labor turnover may be the period of ________


______________ can expand their business by selling shares in the stock market

                                      Joint stock company

The general Agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT) is based on the principle of

                                                     Tariff reduction through international negotiations

First directors are usually named in the___________

                                         Articles of association

____________ describes the government-imposed restrictions on the quantity of a good that can be imported over a period of time


In which meeting of the joint stock company the board of directors is elected by the shareholders?

                                   Annual general meeting

Statutory meeting is compulsory for;

                                   All options

Which of the following is not the disadvantage of cooperative society?

                                        Protection of mutual interest

The liability of each member in cooperative society is;

                           Limited to the share capital

In the business plan, when making financial projections, which of these would NOT form part of the plan?


Which of the following EXCLUDED from the advantages of sole proprietorship?

                                Unlimited liability

Concessions provided by a country to its producers to protect the economy is called a ___________


Which of the following business form has the shortest life span?

                    Sole proprietorship

Which of the following option is true for the characteristics of a limited company?

                          Delayed decision

A major disadvantages of the corporation form of organization is the __________.

                          Double taxation of dividends

Competitor analysis is discussed under the following part?

                                   All options

A phenomenon in which a person searches for an opportunity and try to avail it is called


In which form of business one party gives the right to other party to do the business by using his name and trademark?


Which of the following enjoys limited liability?

                                A corporation

Two or more people or organizations join hands and decide to do a business, formed a separate entity is called___________

                                          Joint venture

Which of the following statement is false?

                                                    One reason for failure small business is that most entrepreneurs are younger than 25 years

All of the following best describes the practice of corporate social responsibility, Except

                                            Interaction with government

For a private limited company, minimum number of members are -_________


Which of the following are NOT invited in the annual general meeting of a company?

                          Debenture holders

Issuing shares and debentures belong to the _________ of the company?


The most important step in understanding business ethics is

                                            Establishing codes of ethics

All of the following fall in the category of ‘ business’ except

                                     Construction of houses for personal use

___________ is the simplest form of business organization, which is owned and controlled by one man

                                   SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP

The first annual general meeting should be held with the ____ of incorporation of a company

                            18 months

The relationship between person who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried one by all or any one of them acting for all is called.


Which of the following is NOT the advantage of cooperative society?


Balance sheet of a company reflects

                                Organization’s financial health at a specific point of time

Identity, what can be the biggest advantage of a small partnership over a sole proprietorship?

                            Rising capital

Effective interest rate is different from nominal rate of interest because;

                                   All options

Which of the followings equation will be used to calculate future value of ordinary annuity?

                                  FV= CCF(1+i)^n-1

Which of the following are known as Discretionary financing?

                              Long term liabilities

Suppose sales of company ‘s’ have increased from RS 500,000 to RS 650,000 after 1 year. What will be the sale growth rate of company S?


What is the present value of Rs, 10,000 to be paid at the end of five years if interest rate is 10% compounded annually?

                                   Rs 6,209

Which of the following technique is used to select different investment options so as to  reduce risk of losing the invested money?


The formula to calculate future value of an amount using simple interest is.


Which of the following item is used to estimate the cash flows while employing percentage of sales method?

                                   Sales revenue

Formation of _____ is very lengthy, very complicated and very technical job?

                                Joint stock company

Goods produced domestically and sold in some other country is called __________


First directors are usually named  in the _________

                               Articles of association

Occurrence of widespread price increases throughout an economic system


A___________ imposes limits on the quantity of a good that can be imported over a period of time.


A document that contains the terms and conditions of the business.

                                              Partnership deed

Which of the following is a new trend, in which one business acquires the other  business instead of combining


Which of the following is a new trend in market in which two or more organizations combine together and form a new organization.


Which of the following is two or more than two organizations collaborate for mutual profits.

                           Strategic alliance

 The situation when a country imports less than it exports is;

                                 A trade sirpus

The formation of ___ does not require any legal formality like registration.

                                    Sole proprietorship

The sale of products and services via internet is fall under the;


When a business enters into a legal arrangement to allow its name and product & services to be used by others for a fee it is called.


According to the companies ordinance the _______ must be held in once in a year.

                                Annual general meeting

In which part we see about customers. Their liking, locality and purchasing power

                                          Financial part

Altering the articles of association requires __________ resolution.


Total value of all goods and services produced within a given period by a national economy through domestic factors of production.


In which type of business, banks hesitate to give loans?

                                                 None options

When international trade restricts to safely, which one of the following barriers exists?


A business related to the construction of roads and is categorized as.

                                      Secondary industry

Election of directors and appointment of auditors is the objectives of _________.

                                None options

_____________ is a written document which contains the objectives of the business and the ways to achieve these objectives.

                                Business plan

Which of the following is not the disadvantage of cooperative society?

                                                Untrained supervision

A person or an organization that works for an exporter or importer is called.


Issuing shares and debentures belong to the __________ of the company?

                                                  Capital subscription

Which of the following can be categorized as opportunity for an organization?

                                     High employee turnover

Which of the following have powers of decision making in Joint Stock Company?

                               Board of directors

It is difficult to transfer the rights of ownership on?

                                       Sole proprietorship

The notice calling the annual meeting, must, be given to all its members at least ________________ days before the date of the meeting

                                                       21 days

Which of the following is held only one in the life of a public company?

                                                     Statuary meeting

Which one of the following is NOT a type of business organization?

                                  A company

Which of the following is not an example of non-profit making organization?


All of the following can be the advantage of the franchise business. Except

                                                          Independency of business

THE limit imposed by one country on importing commodities from another country is known as;


When international trade restricts due to safety, which one of the following barriers exists?


In what  type of business, there is easiest dissolution?

                                       Sole proprietorship

Which is the first stage in the formation of Joint Stock Company?

                                             Promotion stage

Which of the following is NOT an attribute of sole proprietor ship business?

                                        Profit sharing

Certificate of Commencement is issued by the;

                                               Registrar of companies

Profit distributed among shareholders is called________


__________ generally has unlimited liability.

                                      The owner of a sole proprietorship

______________ describe the government payments given to certain industries to help offset some of their costs of production?


The term tariff, as used in international trade, refers to;

                         A tax on imports

To think about benefiting the society and avoid harmful activities for the society is called_____________

                                  Corporate social responsibility

When a person provides his services to society on the basis of his specialized knowledge and experience is termed as


______________ are the government taxes on imports that rise the price of foreign goods and make them less competitive with domestic goods


The activity directed towards producing wealth through buying and selling goods is termed as?


Economist and policy makers are interested in Demographic attributes to determine the ________

                                                   Demand patterns

First directors are usually named in the ___________

                                        Memorandum of association

Environmental forces that are controllable are called?

                                                 Internal forces

The relationships between who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any one of them for all is called;


In which economy, the government decides that how many resources have to be generated and how the resources should be allocated?

                                      Planned economy

____________ is the simplest form of business organization, which is owned and controlled by one man

                                     SOLE PROPRIETORWSHIP

Which document contains the objectives of the business and the ways to achieve those objectives?

                                                  Business plan

The world ‘limited’ at the end of the company name means;

                                         Shareholders has limited company

The registration of a joint stock company is;


All of the following barriers exist due to economic differences in international trade EXCEPT;

                                                      Preferences for particular product

Which of the following is NOT the characteristics of a business?

                                                                       Voluntarily contribution

The difference in value between a country’s exports and imports is called

                                             Balance of trade

All of the following are the controllable factors for success in business EXCEPT;

                             State laws

Auditors are generally appointed and their remuneration fixed at the _________

                                     Annual general meeting

The two major sources of raising funds or financing a business are

                                Owner’s capital & borrowed funds

Which of the following in the ethical behavior(s) in managerial Practices?

                                    All options

________________ is one who has invested the maximum amount in the business?

                                    None options

Statutory meeting must be held within __________ of the environment of the business.

                       3 months to 6 months

In __________ a central body will allocated the resources and then decode how these resources will be distributed.

                             Planned economy

If the value of exports exceeds than value of imports the balance of trade is said to be favorable or a

                             Trade surplus

In which of the following industry, raw material is converted into finished or semi finished goods


The first stage in Evolution  of business is

                                           Industrial revolution

Which of the following does NOT belong to the right of the business?

                        None options

Those countries where people are earning below US $ 765 are known as:

Low income countries

A document that contains rules and regulations of the company.

Articles of association

A major disadvantage of the corporate form of organization is the ________.

Double taxation of dividends

An agreement between two parties in which one party passes on the right to other party is called:

Franchising agreement

Competitor analysis is discussed under the following part?

Marketing part

For a private limited company, minimum numbrer of members are ________.


A sole proprietorship business may have:

All of the given

The first annual general meeting should be held with the ________ of incorporation of a company.

18 months

In which economy, the government decides that how many resources have to be generated and how the resources should be allocated?

Planned economy

________ is no liable for the debt of the partnership business.

Sleeping partner

Franchiser gets a large amount of mony from franshisee as ________ while using its name.


The two major sources of raising funds or financing a business are:

Owner’s capital & borrowed funds

Set of organizational activities directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining an effective workforce is called:

 Human resource Management

Total quantity of goods and services produced by an economic system during a given period is called 

Aggregate output

The activity directed towards producing wealth through buying and selling goods is termed as? 


Filling out the vacant positions is? 


The two major sources of raising funds or financing a business are: 

Owner’s capital & borrowed funds

In which type of business, Government gives the financial assistance?

 Joint stock company

Which of the following is EXCLUDED from the advantages of sole proprietorship? 

Unlimited liability

EEO stands for:

 Equal Employment Opportunity

In which of the following do two or more organizations collaborate on a project for mutual gain?

 Joint venture

A person who practices the functions to achieve management’s objectives? 


Auditors are generally appointed and their remuneration, fixed at the ______________ 

Annual General Meeting

This management level is concerned with long-range planning for the organization.

 Top Managerial

Which of the following business type can avail some concessions from the government? 

Joint stock company

The activities that are undertaken for personal satisfaction and not to earn profit or income are known as___________. 

Business activities

It is difficult to transfer the rights of ownership in? 


Which of the following is NOT a core function of management? 


A part of organization that requires separate planning is called? 

Strategic Business Unit (SBU)

Which of the following is not an example of non-profit making organization?


A document that contains rules and regulations of the company.

Money is the sole motivator for workers according to which of the following?

 Theory X

________ is one who has invested the maximum amount in the business?

Senior Partner

The law relating to joint stock company has been laid in Companies Ordinence, 1984 which came into force on ________ in Pakistan.


Who signs the documents on behalf of the joint stock company?

common seal is used for its signature

A form designed by the employer for the prospective employee to fill it out is called?

Application blank

An agreement between two parties in which one party passes on the right to other party is called:

Joint venture

A written statement of what a job holder does, how a job is done, and why a job is done is a_______:

Job description.

In what type of business,there is easiest dissolution?

Sole proprietorship

Sources of marketing information are categorized into two groups – what are they?

External sources; internal sources.

Which of the following factor(s) contribute to success of new businesses?

Hard work

Which of the following is not the objective of the Directors’ meeting?

To issue debentures

A distribution channel represents the path of a product from a producer to:


Which of the following Selection devices are based upon physical condition of the candidates:

Medical tests

Which of the following factor(s) contribute to failures of new businesses?

All of the given

________ are paid for short term period, e.g. for a day or for an hour or on the basis of units completed.

None of the given

What is mean by global organization?

Producing products for specific country

In franchising, all of the following are the rights of franchisee except:

Right to use factory location

A part of organization that requires separate planning is called ________.

None of the given

Those countries where people are earning below US $765?

         Middle income countries

Profit distributed among shareholders is called _______.


In which approach of marketing: unstatisfied needs of the customers are satisfied?

Product oriented

Environmental forces that are controllable are called?

Internal forces

The notice calling the ammual general meeting, must be given to all its members at least ________ days before the date of the meeting.

21 days

First meeting of the members of public limited company is known as:

Statutory meeting

Dividing the market on the basis of area, climate and cultural values is called?

Geographical segmentation

Which of the following enjoys limited liability?

A corporation

DSS stands for:

Decision support system

All of the following personal characteristics are found in an entrepreneur except:


________ meeting must be held at least once in three months and at least four times in a year.

None of the given

In which leadership style, there will be downward communication only.

Democratic style

To get a product that is up to the expectations of the customers comes under consumerism.


Business may be define as an economic activity undertaken with a motive of earning profit by satisfying human needs in society. The term economic activity includes the activities with the motive of:

Personal satisfation

Statutory meeting must be held within ________ of the commencement of the business

3 months to 6 months

The method of interviews where questions can be changed or adapted to meet the respondent’s intelligence and understanding is called:

Unstructured interviews

Which types of organizations have expertise in selecting people for the job?


Which of the following is not an example of non-profit making organization?


Which of the following is an example of genetic industry?

Poultry Farms

All of the following is the barrier of international trade, Except:


Which of the following is included in a business plan:

All of the given

The first time issuance of share is held in the:

Primary market

Job Enrichment:

Is a programme through which management seeks greater productivity from worker

Which of the following condition must be fulfilled to obtain the “Certificate of commencement”?

All of the given

Decision about activities performed by the workers is called


Which of the meetings is held only once in the life of a public company?

Statutory meeting

Total income of the country/Total population is the formula to calculate.

Per Capita Income

Which of the following documents contains the name and address of joint stock company?

Memorandum of association

All of the following fall in the category of “business” except:

Construction of houses for personal use

Limit imposed by one country or importing commodities from another country?


Which of the following statement is true for the World Trade Organization (WTO):

Sets tariffs to balance international trade among nations

All of the following fall in the category of “business” except:

Construction of houses for personal use

Limit imposed by one country or importing commodities from another country?


Marketing should begin with _______.

All of the given

The activities that are undertaken for personal satisfaction and not to earn profit or income are known as ________.

Business activities

Concessions provided by a country to its producers in order to protect economy?


Which of the following have powers of decisions making in Joint Stock Company?

Board of directors

Election of directors and appointment of auditors is the objectives of ________.

Annual general meeting

Annual General Meeting is the meeting of the company that held

Once in a year

Those who invest in joint stock companies is called:


________ meeting is the first meeting after commencenent of business.

None of the given

which mode of the business is formed when several business concern undertaking units are combined to carry on the business together for achieving the economic benefits?


Which of the following is not the disadvantage of cooperative society?

Lack of secrecy

________ describes life time objectives of the organization.

All of the given

Those who invest in joint stock companies is called:


First meeting of the members of public limited company is known as:

Statutory meeting

Which of the following have powers of decisions making in Joint Stock Company?

Board of directors

Limit imposed by one country or importing commodities from another country?


Which of the meetings is held only once in the life of a public company?

Statutory meeting

Sole proprietorship always enjoys:

100% of profit after tax

The first time issuance of share is held in the:

Primary market

Decision about activities performed by the workers is called


________ are the government taxes on imports that raise the price of foreign goods and make them less competitive with domestic goods.

Income tax

Which of the following is NOT an aspect to purchase a franchise business?

Attractive Location

Which of the following is not an example of non-profit making organization?


The marketing activity of dividing market into smaller units with similar needs and characteristics is known as:

Market penetrating

All of the following personal characteristics are found in an entrepreneur except:


Which of the following is included in a economic factors?

Value system

In what type of business,there is easiest dissolution?

Sole proprietorship

Goods produce domestically and sold in some other country is called:


Sources of marketing information are categorized into two groups – what are they?

External sources; internal sources

The first annual general meeting should be held with the ________ of incorporation of a company.

18 months

Dividing the market on the basis of area, climate and cultural values is called?

Geographical segmentation

Which types of organizations have expertise in selecting people for the job?

All of the given

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