VU Grand Quiz

MCM301 Solved Grand Quiz Spring 2021

MCM301 Solved Grand Quiz Spring

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Our MCM301 Grand Quizzes cover a wide range of topics, meticulously prepared by our expert team to ensure accuracy and clarity. With a focus on mass communication theories, models, and practices, these quizzes will deepen your understanding and enhance your critical thinking skills in the field of media and communication.

No more grappling with complex communication theories or uncertain solutions! empowers you to excel in MCM301. Embrace the knowledge and skills you need to analyze media content, understand audience behavior, and master effective communication strategies.

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Sr.NoMCQs QuestionAnswer
 1Which of the following is usually related to environmental factors that affect communication?Physical barrier (page37)
 2The term pitch refers which of the following?  The degree lowness of Sound
The degree of highest of sound
The degree of highness or lowness of sound
All of the Given
 3Broadly classifying the barriers, select how many kinds of communication barriers exist?Three (page35)
 4All of the following are the examples of touching, EXCEPT:  To persuade (page67)
 5Studies show that job applicants are more likely to make a favorable impression and get a job offer when:They let the interviewer do most of the talking (page25) (100% Sure)  
 6Select which sort of information you will include in your statement when you need to answer concisely:  To the point information (page75)
 7Which one of the following is suitable for both promotional and informational presentations in either the Proactive or Interactive modes?U-Information (page86)
 8Which of the following is a planned and rehearsed speech that uses different words during rehearsals?  Extemporaneous Speech (page57)
 9Self-confident individuals usually stand more erect than those:who lack confidence
 10Audience information such as age, gender, education, and socioeconomic status falls into a catefory known as: Profiling  Demographics (page38)
 11Which of the following is the skill of speaking in distinct syllables?Articulation (page59)
 12All of the following show the qualities of effective speaker except one. Which one is?To avoid the audience’s choice (page38)
 13Understanding is the stage at which you learn:What the speaker means (page21)
 14It is always easier to communicate at the _________Peer level (page33)
 15The characteristic which enables us to distinguish one voice from another is known as:Quality (page29
 16Select what do facial expressions, eye contact, gestures and body language tells about the speaker? Level of confidence (Confirm)
 17Which of the following statement has biased language?Most Germans are direct in their communicaton (Confirm) (100% Sure)  
 18When using a story, the presenter should:  Tell the story first, and then show how it illustrates the thesis (page55)
 19Conflicting information develops:Mental turbulence (page31)
 20Where does immediacy come form during a presentation?Making eye contact (page4)
 21Which one of the following is the most formal type of speech delivery?Manuscript (page56)
 22Which of the following is the process of giving symbols meanings through the unique contents of each person’s mind?Filtering (page21)
 23A Presenter can prepare effective responses to questions by following all of the given steps EXCEPT one. Which one is that? A) AntiRecording (page69)
 24In a comfortable setting, people in the audience can do all of the following, EXCEPT:Hear on edge (page81)
 25Select the correct reason which contributes towards the formation of “I-Syndrome”:Too much usage of “I-attitude” (page33)
 26Which of the following pattern is not a specific organizational pattern?Deductive (page51)
 27While you plan to make a good speech, you must be engaged in which of the following?Audience-centered approach (page38)
 28_________ can also seriously imede the transmission of ideas.Prejudice (page33)
 29Which one of the following arrangement is a modification of conventional classroom seating?V-Information (page87)
 30In general, there are ________ of newspaper indexes:Three kinds (page41)
 31Which one of the following seating is the least comfortable for an audience, especially for presentations that last longer than an hour?Conventional theater style (page83)
 32All of the following you may want to carry, while doing your research except one. Which one is?Video games (page41)
33What does limited eye contact signal?Dishonesty (page27)
 34A facial expression that reveals anxiety on speaker’s face casue an audience to feel:Anxious and uneasy (page61)
 35An opinion, condition, value, attitude, or feeling all of the following characteristics are express in which of the following?  Thesis statement (page44)
 36All of the following are the common reasons for disruptive behavior EXCEPT one. Which one is that?Reapprearance of the presenter (page78) (100% Sure)
 37Which of the following would be the least helpful source when conducting audience research?The program planner of the occasion where you are speaking (they are the non users and not related with audience
 38An effective presenter uses pitch changes to indicate a change in the message. At the end of a sentence, raising the pitch signifies which of the following?A question (page58)
 39Speaking notes for speech should be:Legible and unobtrusive (page61)
 40Nonverbal messages are extreamly important because _________.Of all the given reasons (page27)
 41            Poor retention either on the part of the sender or on the part of the receiver can create problems or lead to __________.  Misunderstanding (page33)
 42Which of the following is the first step in order to overcome communication barriers?To recognize the most common barriers and then, understand their negative impact on communicaiton (page35)
 43Which of the following is not a form of nonverbal communication?A radio interview (page27)
 44All of the following are correct about magazines except:  Articles in magazines usually include bibliographies (page41)
 45Which one of the following seating is most common for proactive presentation delivered to large audiences?  Conventional threater style (page83)
 46All of the following steps are essential to an effective response of questions EXCEPT:Anticipation (page73)
 47Which type of speaking relies on speaking notes?Extemporaneous (page57)
 48All of the following tactics can be employed for dealing with disruptive incidents EXCEPT:Drag (page78)
 49Thesis statement is a _________ of your speech.Sender (page37)
 50Which one of the following is a method of arranging information by dividing it into parts?Topical pattern (page53)
 51Partial or marginal listening can disort the intent of which of the following?Message (page33)
 52How many words is average speaker’s rate per minute?100 to 150 (page21)
 53What do the clothes we wear communicate?Status (page27)
 54Which of the following is not the type of electronic periodical indexes?Journals (page42
 55Which of the following are the factors involved in nonverbal communication?All of the following options (page27)
 56In verbal communication one’s physical appearance affects the __________.Message (page27)
 57Excitement is communicated by:All of the given options (page29)
 58Which of the following would be a negative result of failing to analyze the audience properly?All of the above (Confirm)
 59_______ is a process which demands that full attention be paid to the spoken material.Listening (page33)
 60A presenter who consistently speaks at a rapid rate may be perceived as:All of above (page59)
 61Business associates can be a helpful source for:  Identifying probable questions and objections (page69)
 62Fillers ______ the continuity of communication.Interrupt (page60)
 63Farah was doubtful about Samna’s inventions when she was trying to convince her to invest in the new project. Which form of listening it is?Active listening (page22)
 64Select which of the following is the method of arranging your subject’s main points in a time sequence?Chronological order (page52)
 65Which one of the following pattern is especially effective if the audience already knows that the problem exists?  Cause/effect order (page54)
 66Which of the following is NOT used in oral speaking style?Mostly long sentences (page60)
 67All of the following statements are the purposes of forming an outline for a speech EXCEPT one. Which one is it?  It helps to build confusion for the listeners (outline can not build confusion
 68Which type of communication occupies the most amount of time  Listening (page20)
 69When centering on the audience, you start by finding __________ that enable you to identify with them.  Common traits (page38)
 70At what point does an introduction begin?It begins the moment you address the audience (page47)
 71On the average, how faster a person can think than the lister can talk?Four times (page26)
 72Tributes, acceptance, inspiration, speaking after-dinner, & master of ceremonies are examples of:  Ceremonial speech (page68)
 73All of the following are the types of comments from an audience EXCEPT:  Arbitrate (page75)
 74Articulate speech is characterized by:  Correct pronounciation and clear enunciation (page59)
 75In order to listen more effectively, you should:All of the given options (page25)
 76How can be credibility of a presenter be increased?All of the given options (page47)
 77A speech designed to change or reinforce the audience’s beliefs or actions. This is an example of:Persuasive speech (page67)
 78What will be your first step for the preparation of speech?Selection of topic (page40)
 79In a presentation setting, the only should that should be prominent is that of the:  Speaker’s voice (page88)
 80A sample sentence that makes a statement of expresses an attitude, opinion, condition, position, or feeling about the subject. It is called which of the following.  Thesis statement (page44)
 81The quality of tone is a comnination of which of the following?  Pitch, strength and character (page59)
 82The entire following are the main points that are kept in mind while developing thesis, EXCEPT:Ambiguity (page45)
 83With a limited time frame avaliable for presentation, the Q & A session is conducted:Before a presentation (page70)
 84Being resistant to issues which are contrary to already existing ideas hampers the process of:Communication (page34)
 85Q&A is an obbreviation of which of the following?  Question and Answer (page70)
 86Which of the following is the appropriate response to a comment of agreement?Thank you (page76)
 87The quality of speech which makes you easier to understand while speaking is known as:  Atriculation (page29)
 88How many purposes your introduction should have:Four (page47)
 89Which type of communication occupies the most amount of time.Listening
 90Film, direct mail campaign, pamphlet, brochure, etc are the modes of:Mass Communication
 91What is involved in communication process?Idea – encoding – channel – decoding – feedback
 92Each morning Amna decides how to dress? what to eat? where to go? etc. This refers to which of the following level of communication?Intrapersonal Communication
 93What does limited eye contact signal?Dishonesty
 94n USA, maintaining eye contact while talking with elders show confidence, in Pakistan, it shows disrespect. What does this example depict?The interpretation of body language is universal
 95What do the clothes we wear communicate?Status
 96Which of the following is/are example(s) of interpersonal exchange?All of the given options
 97Which of the following is NOT a form of nonverbal communication?A radio interview
 98Letters, reports, stockholder reports, proposals, stockholder meetings, telephone conversations, and conferences are types of media used by an organization to communicate?Externally
 99All of the following are the levels of listening except?Critical Listening
 100Probing is?Attempting to gain additional information, continue the discussion, or clarify a point
 101Select which of the following is example for paralanguage? All of the above three
 102Which one of the following is an interpersonal need to excercise leadership and prove one’s abilities?Control
 103Select the correct type of communication which occurs when two or a few people talk face to face?Intrapersonal Communication
 104What is the average speaker’s rate per minute?100 to 150 words per minute
 105Listener can comprehend …………… rate per minute?400 to 500 words per minute
 106The word ‘Communicatio’n is derived from the Latin word ‘Communico’ which meansTo Share
 107All of the following are the levels of communication EXCEPTFrame Communication
 108How many components do self-concept has?Two ( self-image, and self-esteem)
 109The process by which individuals resolve issues in an informal or formal atmosphere, or when issues are resolved as part of the ongoing interactions between individuals is known asConflict resolution
 110All of the following are the barrier to communication, EXCEPTComposing message at proper level
 111Which of the following is not a demographic characteristic?Attitude
 112Poor retention either on the part of the sender or on the part of the receiver can create problems or lead to……….?Misunderstanding
 113Being resistant to issues which are contrary to already existing ideas hampers the process of: ?Communication
 114Which of the following is not a form of nonverbal communication?Radio Interview
 115Which of the following is a method of arranging information by dividing it into parts?Topical pattern
 116Broadly classifying the barriers, select how many kinds of communication barriers exists?More than seven
 117The entire following are the main points that are kept in mind while developing thesis, except:?Ambiguity
 118In verbal communication one’s physical appearance affects the ………?Message
 119Which of the following barriers are most offen the hardest to identify and reduce or eliminate?Listener barriers
 120An opinion condition, value, attitude, or feeling of all the following characteristics are expressed in which of the following?Thesis statement
 121 Which phrase shows the key rule to make a good speech?Keep in mind that audiances care most about things that directly affect them
 122How many purposes your introduction should have:Four
 123What do the clothes we wear communicate :Status
 124All of the following are the purposes of introduction except :Avoid the audience
 125It is always easier to communicate at the ……..Peer level
 126Which of the following statement has biased language?Some japanese business people can not speak English
 127At what point does an introduction begin?It begins the moment you address the audience.
 128Being resistant to issues which are contrary to already existing ideas hampersCommunication.
 1292 Which of the following is correct about human memory?Reconstructive
 130A good rule to recall when using statistics is ?Rounding and using a few key statistics is generally most effective
 131Speaking notes for speech should beLegible
 132An opinion, condition, value, attitude, or feeling all of the following characteristics are express in which of the following?Thesis statement
 133Itself is probably the most common barrier to effective communicationLanguage
 134Which of the following is a form of communication in which messages are sent to large, public, dissimilar, anonymous, distant audiences using some intermediate instrument of transfer?Mass communication
 135A simple sentence that makes a statement or expresses an attitude, opinion, condition, position, or feeling about the subject. It is called which of the followingThesis statement
 136While talking to your friend underneath an elm tree, you hear the sounds of birds singing and this distracts you from your conversation. What would you call it?Physical noise
 137Which of the following pattern is not a specific organizational pattern?Deductive
 138All of the following are the purposes of introduction exceptAvoid to the audience
 139All of the following are the common reasons for disruptive behavior EXCEPT one. Which one is that?Reappearance of the presenter
 140At what point does an introduction begin?It begins the moment you address the audience
 141Q&A is an abbreviation of which of the following?Question and answer
 142A presenter can prepare effective responses by which of the followingAnticipatingAnsweringRevisingAll of the given options
 143An effective presenter uses pitch changes to indicate a change in the message. At the end of a sentence, raising the pitch signifies which of the following?A question
 144Visual aids perform which of the following functions?a.Emphasizing important points  b. Illustrating how things work c.  Illustrating how things related to one another   d. All of given option
 145Where does immediacy come from during a presentation?Making eye contact
 146ow can the credibility of a presenter be increased?Being well dressed and well groomed Complementing the audience Demonstrating your sincerity  All of the given options
 147A speech designed to change or reinforce the audience’s beliefs or actions. This is an example of:Persuasive speech
 149Which of the following option of anticipating part of speech can reveal questions and concerns that may be raised during presentation?Planning
 150Which of the following refers to the degree of highness or lowness of a sound?Pitch
 151Business associates can be a helpful source for:Identifying probable questions and objections

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