CS609 Solved Grand Quiz Spring 2021

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Sr. No. | MCQS | ANSWERS |
1 | _______ is used to program various common parameters of transfer for all the channels. | DMA Command Register |
2 | In _______ each byte is needed to be encapsulated in start and end. | Asynchronous communication |
3 | ________ No. of bytes are used to store the character in the key board buffer. | 2 |
4 | If NTFS volume is accessed in DOS then what will happen? | It will fire error of invalid media. |
5 | There are two types of communication; synchronous and anti-synchronous | False |
6 | Which of the following register is used, if you want to block access of any Hardware. | ISR |
7 | LSN of FS Info block is available at _____. | FAT |
8 | Counter register can be used to divide clock signal. | True |
9 | The BIOS interrupt ________ can be used to configure RTC. | 1AH |
10 | The amount of memory above conventional memory (extended memory) can be determined using the service _______. | 15H/88H |
11 | What will happen if NTFS volume is accessed in DOS? | ? |
12 | _______ is a collection of contagious blocks. | Cluster |
13 | If we want to send printing on the printer then we have to perform following steps. | All of the given |
14 | NTFS volume can be accessed directly in DOS. | False |
15 | DSR stands for _________. | Data set ready |
16 | DTE is _________. | Data terminal equipment |
17 | In FAT12, to calculate the address or offset from index, we need to multiply it with ________. | 3/2 |
18 | The _________ function initializes COM port whose number is passed as a parameter using BIOS services. | initialize() |
19 | What will be the value of the word located at 1Fh in DPB when number of free clusters on drive is not known? | FFFFH |
20 | DMA may not support memory to memory transfer | False |
21 | The ______ service # is not used in any interrupt. | FF |
22 | In order to produce the sound from PC internal Speaker we have to load the _________ bit divisor value at the _________ port. | 16, 0x42 |
23 | There are two main types of interrupts, namely | Hardware interrupts and Software interrupts |
24 | _______ is used to identify the cause of interrupt. | Interrupt ID register |
25 | DOS has practically limit of _________ blocks per cluster. | 64 |
26 | The Function of I/O controller is to provide ________. | All of given |
27 | IVT is a table containing ______ byte entries each of which is a far address of an interrupt service routine. | 4 |
28 | In NTFS, FAT and root directory has been replaced by ________. | MFT |
29 | If we want to produce the shrill voice from the speaker phone then we have to load the _________ divisor value at Port _________. | high, 0x42 |
30 | Boot sector is the ________ logical sector of NTFS partition. | First |
31 | A cluster is same as block. | Logically |
32 | ______whenever received indicates the start of communication and ______ whenever received indicates a temporary pause in the communication. | XON & XOFF |
33 | _______ store the base address for LPT1. | 40:08H |
34 | Each partition information chunk is 16 bytes long and the last two bytes at the end of the partition table data part is the partition table signature whose value should be_______indicating that the code part contains valid executable code. | AA55 |
35 | To set the interrupt vector means is to change the double word sized interrupt vector within the IVT. | True |
36 | DOS has a built in limit of ________ blocks per cluster. | 128 |
37 | Total number of clusters of FAT12 are ________. | FEE H |
38 | Standard PC operates in two modes in terms of memory which are | Real mode and protected mode |
39 | BPB stands for ________. | BIOS parameter block |
40 | Int _________ service 0 can be used to set the line parameter of the URT or COM port. | 14H |
41 | When LSN is equal to zero (0), it means ________. | LSN is relative address with respect to the start of Logical |
42 | DCE is ___________. | Data communication equipment |
43 | Drive paramrter block is derived from ________. | BPB |
44 | Control information about files is maintained using ______. | FCB |
45 | We can access the contents of File by using the root directory entry and ________. | ? |
46 | The _________ function uses the COM port number to receive a byte from the COM port using BIOS services. | recievechar() |
47 | When we mark a file as deleted by placing 0xE5 then the chain of clusters in FAT is also replaced by ________. | 0 |
48 | n FAT32, lower _______ bits are used. | 28 bits |
49 | The service _________ is called the keyboard hook service. | 15H/FFH |
50 | To store a cluster in FAT32 ________ is/are needed. | 4 Bytes |
51 | XON whenever received indicates the start of communication and XOFF whenever received indicates a temporary pause in the communication. | True |
52 | ______ structure is a tree like structure. | DOS Directory |
53 | The output on the monitor is controlled by a controller called __________ within the PC. | Video controller |
54 | In case of synchronous communication a timing signal is required to identify the start and end of a bit. | True |
55 | File can be _______ viewed as organization of data. | Logically |
56 | In keyboard status byte bit no. 2 and 3 are used for ctrl and alt keys respectively. which of the following condition is used to check that Ctrl + Alt keys are pressed. Where: unsigned char far * scr = (unsigned char far *)(0x00400017); | if (((*scr)&12)==12) |
57 | If the following function, keep(1, 1000); is called in the TSR program, it means that ________ No. of bytes are reserved in the memory. | 16000 |
58 | Int 14H __________ can be used to set the line parameter of the UART or COM port. | Service # 0 |
59 | If printer is __________ then printer sends back the ACK signal to the printer interface. | Idle |
60 | The keyboard makes use of interrupt number ________ for its input operations. | 9 |
61 | The service number is usually placed in the ________ register. | AH |
62 | Timer interrupt approximately occurs______ times every second. | 18.2 |
63 | Interrupt 9 is used to read scan code from________. | Keyboard |
64 | UART is a device used for _______ serial communication. | Asynchronous |
65 | Int86() has ________parameters. | 3 |
66 | In standard PC________ DMA’s canbe cascaded. | 2 |
67 | Control word controls the ________ rate of keyboard. | Type matric |
68 | If we want to send printing command on the printer then we have to perform following steps. | Initialize , read status and checking |
69 | If a device driver needs to change of CAPS LOCK on keyboard then,______should be written on the keyboard. | CAPS LOCK Byte |
70 | The keayboard hook service is always called by interrupted _____after acquiring the scan code from keyboard port . | 9H |
71 | Size of FS Info block is _______. | 512 bytes |
72 | Software based flow control make use of _________control characters | ? |
73 | The accumulative time that is required to access the selected block is called ________. | Access time |
74 | At IRQ7 Interrupt # __________ is used. | x0F |
75 | ______ is the first block on disk | LBA=0 block |
76 | Only _______ ports are important from programming point of view. | 70 and 71H |
77 | The __________ function simply enables the self test facility within the modem control register. | SelfTestOn() |
78 | ______ is used to read a block against its LSN. | absread( ) |
79 | Int 14H __________ can be used to send a byte. | Service # 1 |
80 | When LSN is equal to zero (0), it means ________. | LSN is relative address with respect to the start of Logical |
81 | The memory addresses of COM ports remain same for all computers. | False |
82 | If FAT entry is between FFF0H to FFF6H in FAT16 then _________. | It is a Reserved cluster |
83 | BIOS support _________UARTS as COM ports. | 4 |
84 | Here are ________ kinds of serial communication. | 2 |
85 | _______ is a device incorporated into the PC to update time even if the computer is off. | Real time clock |
86 | Int ________ is used to control the printer via the BIOS. | 17H |
87 | The size of each entry in FCB of FAT12 and FAT16 file systems is: | 2 Bytes |
88 | Total number of bytes that can be stored in Keyboard Buffer is_____ | 32 |
89 | The bit______ of Line control register in UART, if set indicates that the DLL and DLM will act as the divisor register. | 7 |
90 | Bit number______of port 64H of keyboard status register indicate status of time-out error during input. | 7 |
91 | Suppose TX has current timer count stored in it and TIME is a pointer to timer count. Now this while loop will produce a delay of_______. | Quarter of a second |
92 | ________stores the base address for LPT1. | 40:08 H |
93 | In interrupt 17H , if DX register contains zero, then I/O will be performed on__________ | LPT1 |
94 | The speed of microprocessor depends on_______ | Frequency of clock signal |
95 | Interrupt ______is empty; we can use its vector as a flag. | 65 H |
96 | The interrupt no. 65 H is used _________ | Neither by DOS nor by BIOS |
97 | Timer interrupt is invoked by means of______ | Hardware |
98 | In Real time clock, the status _______ is used to specify the date time formula. | Register B |
99 | The UART devices uses _____ for error detection. | Parity Bit |
100 | BIOS data area starts from _________. | 40:00H |
101 | The registers flags_______ are pushed on stack after execution of INT instruction and execution branches to the interrupt procedure. | CS and IP |
102 | What is the output of the following: #include<DOS.H> Union REGS regs; Void main(void) { Regs.h.al=0x99; } | 99 |
103 | Parameter in interrupts are passed through ______. | Registers |
104 | The printer interface uses the_________. | IRQ 7 |
105 | While performing I/O on the printer using BIOS services, we must check_____ of status byte to see if printer is busy or not. | Most significant bit |
106 | RESG is a__________. | Union |
107 | Every ISR(interrupt service routine) should check service number in _____register and then perform the function accordingly. | AH |
108 | The register which is not available in the UART device is__________ | Interrupt focus register |
109 | In the counter register of interval timer, bit number 3 changes its value between 0 and 1 within_____clock cycle | 16 |
110 | Operating system information is in a special block on disk which is called______ | Boot block |
111 | The IPP acts as an interface between the CPU and a parallel_______ | I/O device |
112 | All interval timer channels are ______ bits wide. | 16 |
113 | In interrupt software interrupts, the original interrupt can be invoked. | Anywhere in ISR |
114 | _______is used to set date. | 1A/05H |
115 | Frequency of clock signal measures the speed of the _______ | CPU |
116 | To store each character in keyboard buffer _______bytes are required. | 2 |
117 | In the context of COM ports. AH register is treated as a________. | Line status register |
118 | How many interrupts can be addressed via interrupt vector table? | 256 |
119 | File is ________ viewed as an organization of data physically it can be collection of clusters or blocks. | Logically |
120 | The output on the monitor is controlled by a controller called __________ within the PC. | Video controller |
121 | There are ________ kinds of serial communication. | 2 |
122 | Cluster number can also be referred as block number. | False |
123 | In DOS we have limit of _______ blocks per cluster. | 128 |
124 | ________ is used to read time from RTC. | 1A/02H |
125 | A cluster is same as block. | False |
126 | ______ is Disk interrupt. | 13H |
127 | Total No. of bytes that can be stored in Keyboard Buffer is_________. | 32 |
128 | The baud rate is set in accordance with the divisor value loaded within the UART internal registers base +0 and base +1. | True |
129 | If we know the cluster number, we can access the blocks within the cluster using BIOS services directly. | False |
130 | In FAT32, lower _______ bits are used. | 28 bits |
131 | _______register is used to store interrupt service number. | AL |
132 | In case of asynchronous communication a timming, signal is not required to identify________ | Both start and end of the bit |
133 | _______ is used to control the printer via BIOS. | INT 17H |
134 | The keyboard buffer is a memory area reserved in the_____. | BIOS data area |
135 | ________notifies the end of interrupt(EOI) to the programmable interrupt controller? | Microprocessor |
136 | The scan code for a key pressed would be available at port number____. | Port 60 |
137 | The distinguishing factor between intel coprocessor 80287 and 80387 is that only ______ allow to reserve the sign of infinity. | 80387 |
138 | In real time clock, when status register D indicates 0 then it shows that the batter is______ | Dead |
139 | Bit number _______ of port 64H of keyboard status register is used for parity error checking. | 7 |
140 | In self test mode of UART, the output of UART is_____ its input. | Different from |
141 | “I/O devices are directly connected to the CPU” | NO |