CS606 Solved Grand Quiz Spring 2021

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The input specification file to flex consists of ——–section.
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
Lexer and scanner are two different phases of compiler
- True
- False
In compiler linear analysis is also called.
- Lexical analysis
- Scanning
- Both lexical analysis and Scanning
- None of the given
Which of the following statement is not true
- The language accepted by finite automata are the language denoted by regular expression.
- For every DFA there is regular expression denoting its language.
- For a regular expression, there does exist NFA with L(r) any transit that accepts.
- None of the given option
A àB C D
B àh B|episilon
C àC g|G|Ch|i
Dà A B |episilon
First of A is————–.
- h, g,i
- g
- h
- none of the given option.
Top down parsing expends a ———form the start symbol to the leaves.
- Parse tree
- Abstract syntax tree
- Parse tree
- All of the given
A top down parse start with the ———-of the parse tree.
- Root
- Leaf
- Middle
- None of the given
Can a DFA simulate NFA ?
- No
- Yes
- Sometimes
- depends on NFA
Bottom up parsing is also called ———-.
- LR parsing
- LT parsing
- LS parsing
- SS parsing
The ———-is optimized for hardware it is to run on.
- C++ coding
- C coding
- Assembly code
- None
Abstract syntax tree summarizes———– without the detail of derivation.
- Theory
- Grammatical structure
- Data
- None
LR parsing ———- a string to the start symbol by inverting production.
- Reduces
- Shifts
- Adds
- None of given
Alternative to backtrack in top down parser is————.
- Context free grammar
- Tree
- Look ahead
- None of given
Typical compilation means programs written in high-level language to low –level—————.
- Object code
- Byte code
- Unicode
- Both object and byte code
The ————-checks the stream of words and their parts of speech for grammatical correctness.
- Parse
- Scanner
- Compiler
- None of the given
A grammar must be———-before use for predictive parsing.
- Right factored
- Left factored
- factored
- none of the given
Parser does not distinguish between valid and invalid sequences of token.
- True
- False
In compilation process hierarchical analysis is also called——.
- Parsing
- Syntax analysis
- Both Parsing and Syntax analysis
- None of given
The pair <role,word> is given the name—–
- Word
- Token
- Syntax
- None of the given
The back map intermediates(IR) into target
- Object code
- Machine code
- Source code
- Linker
————-is evaluated to yield a value.
- Command
- Expression
- Declaration
- Declaration and Command
Front end of a two pass compiler is consists of scanner.
- True
- False
The ———-returns a sequence of matching token at the output (or an error ) and it always returns the longest matching tokens .
- Scanner
- Lexer
- Lexical analysis
- All of the given
Parser takes token from scanner and tries to generate ———.
- Binary search tree
- Parse tree
- Syntax trace
- None of the given
——–avoid hardware stalls and interlock.
- Register allocation
- Instruction scheduling
- Instruction selection
- None of the given
The handle-finding mechanism is the key to efficient—————parsing.
- Top-down
- Bottom-up
- Predictive
- None of the given
The input specification file to flex consists of sections:
Leaser and scanner are two different phases of compiler.
In compiler linear analysis is also called.
Both lexical analysis and scanning
Which of the following statements is NOT true?
For a regular expression r, there does not exist NFA with L(r) any transit that accept.
A –> B C D
B –> h B |episilon
C –> C g |g | C h | i
D –> A B | episilon
First of A is .
h, g, i
Top- down parsing expands a ______from the start symbol to the leaves.
All of the given
A top-down parser start with the______of the parse tree.
Can a DFA simulate NFA?
Bottom-up parsing is also called .
LR parsing
The______is optimized for hardware it is to run on.
Assembly code
Abstract syntax tree summarizes _______ without the details of derivation.
Grammatical structure
LR parsing______a string to the start symbol by inverting productions.
Alternative to backtrack in top-down parser is .
Look ahead
Typical compilation means programs written in high-level languages to low-level .
Object code
The________checks the stream of words (tokens) and their parts of speech for grammatical correctness.
A grammar must be______before use for predictive parsing.
Left factored
Parser does not distinguish between valid and invalid sequences of tokens.
In compilation process Hierarchical analysis is also called
Syntax analysis
The pair <role, word> is given the name .
The back end maps Intermediate Representation (IR) into target .
Source code
__________________ Is evaluated to yield a value.
Front-end of a two pass compiler is consists of Scanner.
The returns a sequence of matching tokens at the output and it always return the longest matching token.
Lexical analyzer
Parser takes tokens from scanner and tries to generate .
Parse tree
Avoid hardware stalls and interlocks.
Instruction scheduling
The handle-finding mechanism is the key to efficient parsing.