CS604 Solved Grand Quiz Spring 2021
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Our CS604 Grand Quizzes cover a comprehensive range of topics, meticulously prepared by our expert team to ensure accuracy and depth of understanding. With a focus on operating system design and concepts, these quizzes will sharpen your knowledge and problem-solving skills in managing computer systems.
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The section of code before the critical section is called .
Entry section
An operating system is easily portable between varying hardware designs in______structural approach.
Micro kernels
The_________approach include the ease of extending the OS.
Micro kernel
Which of the following information is not displayed with top command?
Number of threads in a process
Processes or threads often need access to shared data and shared resources.
In multi-threaded process thread () take two argument, they are used to take ______ and ______.
New thread ID, process name
Cooperating processes never share any data, code, memory or state.
To terminate a process <ctrl-c>is pressed, which signal it actually pass to process for termination?
UNIX System V scheduling uses queues, which run ____________ algorithm.
Round Robin
First entries in Per Process File Descriptor Table are used as soon as the process is created.
Which part of the computer system helps in managing the file and memory management system?
Operating System
Batch programs are usually ______ programs.
Is a solution to critical section problem?
Lamppost’s bakery algorithm
Which scheduling algorithm allocates the CPU first to the process that request the CPU first?
First-come, First-served scheduling
In Bakery algorithm, process are prioritized based on highest ticket number among competing processes.
The solution type where in critical section we use “entry section and “exit section” is called kind of .
Software Solution
How many modes are supported in operating system?
Which of the following is used to show the end of file in UNIX?
Ctrl + E
Scheduler selects the process from the job pool and put them in main memory.
Long term
A parent process calling _____system call will be suspended until children-processes terminate.
_______ is used to request the OS by the process to take an I/O or initiating child process.
System call
Which is not basic computing hardware?
Compact Disc
The ______________ defines an operating system as a bridge between computer user and
hardware for a user’s convenience.
Top-down view
You can use the mv file1 file2 command to move .
File1 to file2
______ are used by shell commands to pass data from one shell pipeline to another, without creating temporary files.
____ system call is used to create a child process.
The kernel is a computer program that manages ______ requests from software.
The problem with priority scheduling algorithm is .
POSIX is a standard developed by .
_______command display the status of a process.
______________ algorithm is used for solving n-process critical section problem.
Bounded Buffer is a buffer of______size.
The wait operation of the semaphore basically works on the basic_______system call.
Block ()
The priority of a process can be changed using________ command.
In ______addressing, the recipient is not required to name the sender.
The priorities of processes in the________group remain fixed.
The situation in which no context switching is required in multiprocessor systems is referred to as.
Spin lock
After fork() system call is made, parent and child process have their separate copy of .
File descriptors
In operating system, ________ command is used to copy files to same location or different location.
Both Copy and CP
When sender never block because it has an infinite length storage area, then it means it is holding a queue of capacity.
scheduling algorithm can be preemptive or non-preemptive.
Shortest Job First
In indirect communication between processes P and Q .
There is a mailbox to help communication between P and Q
A process is if it cannot affect or be affected by any other process executing in the system.
______ command is used to change the directory.
The nice value helps in assigning to a process.
A major problem with priority scheduling is .
You can have a thread within the same process by using the system call.
In Unix/ Linux, by default the standard output file is attached to the .
Swapper is also termed as Short term scheduler.
State of a process transits from running to ready because of .
A solution to the critical section problem must satisfy the following requirements except
Race condition
The correct command for compiling C program named program.c in Linux environment is
gcc program.c –o FirstPrgram
The ready queue in RR scheduling algorithm is referred to as .
Time Quantum
A is an integer variable that, apart from initialization is accessible only through standard atomic operations.
The link between two processes P and Q to send and receive messages is called .
Communication link
TestAndSet instruction is executed .
None of the mentioned
As a result of <Ctrl-C>, a SIGINT signal is sent to a process, Signal number for SIGINT is .
integer shows the highest priority of a process in CPU scheduling.
System calls provide the interface between a_______and the operating system.
The kernel is________ user threads.
Unaware of
The process creates two FIFOs, FIFO1 and FIFO2, and opens FIFO1 for reading and FIFO2 for writing.
Which of the following statement is not true regarding the cooperating processes?
It may effect or be affected by any other process executing in the system
A Process ‘A’ that has finished working but its parent process has also finished its execution. In this state the process ‘A’ will be called as process.
In which of the following system multiple user are allowed to used the computer simultaneously?
Multi users
When a process has undivided access to a shared piece of code then no other process can execute this code, this state is called .
Mutual exclusion
scheduling algorithm is sometimes called shortest remaining time first scheduling algorithm.
Preemptive Shortest Job First
In multilevel queue-scheduling algorithm the highest priority is given to .
System processes
A parent process calling_________system call will be suspended until children process terminates.
The process of switching from one process to another is called latency.
Linux uses ____________ directory to store system configuration files.
_____________ processes or threads often need access to shared data and shared resources.
If size of a process is 376052 bytes and its smallest physical memory address is 242785. Its address space cannot exceed beyond ________________
- 376053
- 376051 NOT SURE
- 618836
- 618838
If your processor does not have two slots empty in Per Process File Descriptor Table, then your_____ system call will fail.
How many modes are supported in operating system?
- The creating process is called a _________ process while the new processes are called the _______ of that process
Parent , Children
A process ‘A’ that has finished working but its parent has also finished its execution. In this state the process ‘A’ will be called as _______ process.
____________ command is used to change the directory.
State of a process transits from running to ready because of .
______________ is not a system call in Linux.
For reading input, which of the following system call is used?
Which of the following conditions must be satisfied to solve the critical section problem?
- Mutual exclusion
- Progress
- Bounded waiting
- All of the mentioned
The region in the memory that a process is allowed to access is known as process .
Address Space
___________ scheduling algorithm is sometimes called shortest remaining time first scheduling algorithm.
Preemptive Shortest Job First
A signal is an event generated to get attention of
The _____________ approach include the ease of extending the OS.
Micro Kernel
OS helps manages the following except
Bus speed of the System
The file descriptor for Standard input (stdin) is _____________
Which is not a parameter of pthread_creaate().
Return Status
In _________ inter process communication, a sender mention the name of the recipient.
Multi-threading model provides full concurrency.
__________ is used in real time operating systems.
NON-Preemptive Scheduling
Shortest remaining time first scheduling is referred to as shortest job first scheduling algorithm.
UNIX System V scheduling uses queues, which run ____________ algorithm.
Round Robin
For undivided and uninterrupted testing and setting of semaphore, uni-processor systems tend to___________________
Disable Interrupt
The section of cose before the critical section is called
Entry Section
For reading input, which of the following system call is used?
The address generated by the CPU, after any indexing or other addressing-mode arithmetic, is called a _________ address, and the address it gets translated to by the MMU is called a _________ address.
Virtual, physical
Deadlock can be deal with ________ ways.
The integer value of ________ semaphores can not be greater than 1.
DOS is a single user operating system.
Round Robin algorithm is similar to __________ scheduling but preemption is added to switch between processes.
First Come First Serve
________ algorithm is used in Deadlock avoidance.
What do we name to an address that is generated by the CPU?
Logical address
If validation bit is 0, it indicates a/an ________ state of segment.
Semaphores are used to synchronize ________ processes.
The collection of processes that is waiting on the disk to be brought into the memory for execution forms the ________.
Input queue
When process opens its first file explicitly it will get descriptor number ________.
If a process continues to fault, replacing pages, for which it then faults and brings back in right away. This high paging activity is called _________.
Which part of the computer system helps in managing the file and memory management system?
Operating System
The ________ is a single program that produces an object file.
Physical memory is broken down into fixed-sized blocks, called ________ and Logical memory is divided into blocks of the same size, called _________.
Frames, pages
Shared libraries and kernel modules are stored in __________ directory.
You can use the mv file1 file2 command to move __________.
file1 to file2
A solution to the critical section problem must satisfy the following requirements except
Race Condition
_________ is a piece of code in a cooperating process in which the process may updates shared data (variable, file, database, etc.)
Critical Section
Main memory is ________ memory.
Which command display permissions and some other attributes for prog1.c in your current directory?
Page offset
_________ indicates size of the page table.
Page offset
A process is said to be in critical section if it executes code that manipulates shared data.
The set of all physical addresses corresponding to the logical addresses is a ________ of the process.
Physical address space
When a ________link is created, a directory entry for the existing file is created
If a system is not in a safe state, there can be NO deadlocks.
________ consists of a large array of words or bytes, each with its own address.
_________ command is used to change the directory.
The segment table maps the ___________ to physical addresses.
If a system is not in a safe state, there can be no deadlocks.
Banker’s algorithm is used for ________.
Deadlock avoidance
Deadlock ________ provides a set of methods for ensuring that at least one of the necessary conditions cannot hold.
A modification of free-list approach in free space management is to store the addresses of n free blocks in the first free block, known as _________.
The process id returned to the child process after successful fork system call execution is __________.
A parent process calling _________ system call will be suspended until children process terminates.
An acyclic graph does not allow directories to have shared subdirectories and files.