CS508 Solved Grand Quiz Spring 2021

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1 | _______was designed primarily for system simulation | Simula |
2 | Which of the following is not a discrete type in ada. | String Type |
3 | The property list in LISP is a substitute of______. | C/C++ Structure |
4 | Which of the following operator is used for pattern matching is SNOBOL? | (Space) |
5 | In SNOBOL, we can create new pattern by____ two or more pattern. | Concatenating |
6 | A_____ is used to signify a potentially infinite loop in ada. | Simple loop |
7 | The design and evaluation of a particular_____ is highly dependent on the domain in which it is to used. | Programming language |
8 | “Everything for everybody” was the motive of the language | PL/1 |
9 | Which of following is not part of standard SNOBOL4 statement structure? | END |
10 | The first programming language was______. Developed by Zuse in isolation. | Plankalkul |
11 | The tools we use have a profound (and devious!) influence on our____ habits and. Therefore, on our thinking abilities. | Thinking |
12 | Which of the following functions assigns value 5 to symbol y.? | >(setq y 5) |
13 | _____ was considered good for describing algorithms. | ALGOL |
14 | ______ was developed at Bell labs by Stroustrup. It evolved from C and SIMULA 67. | C++ |
15 | What is maximum length of variable name is Snobol? | 120 |
16 | The first programming language to support Recursion was_____. | LISP |
17 | Two important versions of LISP are_________. | Scheme and Common Lisp |
18 | Pascal language was popular in Colleges and universities to teach: | Structured Programming |
19 | _____was developed at Sun in the early 1990s and is based on C++. | Java |
20 | To implement a counter-controlled loop in LISP. Which of the following statement is used? | Dotimes |
21 | Measure of______ is considered as the cost of writing programming language. | Productivity |
22 | _____ was the era when programming language design took an empirical approach. | 1950s |
23 | _____ are a type of Aliasing. | Pointers |
24 | Some languages allow special keywords for signaling the start and of a construct. Making it more______ and less prone to errors. | Readable |
25 | In the Decimal fixed point type. The distance between values is implemented as a power of______. | 10 |
26 | Following are some of the reasons for studying concepts related to different programming languages EXCEPT. | Increased capability to design communication links |
27 | Which of the following statement is correct about SNOBOL? | Poor Readability poor Writability |
28 | A query given to a PROLOG system: | Is a pattern matching exercise |
29 | A loop in which condition is tested after executing the body of loop post-test loop. Which of the following post-test loop is not supported in Ads language? | ‘do while’ loop |
30 | Which of the following is an incorrect option from the following statements regarding ‘objectives of learning new languages ’? | Help in understanding the language privacy policy. |
31 | Computer architecture has a major influence on the design of programming language. | True |
32 | A language that is more orthogonal is usually more _________. | Readable |
33 | The variable name has profound effect on _______________. | Readability |
34 | Following factors influences a portable language design EXCEPT. | Programmer’s time |
35 | In SONOBOL TABLES can be used in a manner similar to ___. | Array |
36 | Programming Language is basically a tool for instructing a computer to perform specified set of task. | True |
37 | Initial version of SONOBOL only supports __________ and string | Integer |
38 | COBOL is mainly designed for _______. | Business application |
39 | Following are imperative languages EXCEPT | LISP |
40 | Binary operator in SONOBOL must have at least ________ spaces on both sides. | 1 |
41 | _______ was the first object oriented language. | SIMULA |
42 | COBOL was the first language that brings the concept of__________. | Records |
43 | _____ are a type of Aliasing. | Arrays |
44 | A space is used as _____ for concatenation. | Operator |
45 | The space operator in SNOBOL has _____ precedence than arithmetic operators. | Lower |
46 | First electronic computer was _________ | ENIAC |
47 | SNOBOL was designed for ___________ purpose. | String manipulation |
48 | SONOBOL can the size of the array be determined at run time. | Yes |
49 | SIZE function in SONOBOL language is used to return the size of _________ | String |
50 | PROLOG represent _______________ paradigm | Declarative |
51 | SONOBOL is case _______ | In- Sensitive |
52 | If a language provides a feature of referencing a variable in more than one way then we say that the language provides _________. | Aliasing |
53 | For immediate value assignment ______ sign is used | $ |
54 | Pattern. Variable Upon successful completion of pattern matching, the substring matched by the pattern is assigned to the variable as ________ . | Value |
55 | Indirect referencing in SONOBOL is same as of _____in C. | Pointers |
56 | The declarative language among the following is. | PROLOG |
57 | Learning the implementation details of a language helps in the efficient use of that language. | True |
58 | Too much Orthogonality reduces Readability. | False |
59 | In SONOBOL 2 spaces can be used, the purpose of 1st space is for _____ and 2nd for. | Pattern matching, String Concatenation |
60 | Too much simplicity in language design can also cause problems. | False |
61 | Computer architecture has a major influence on the design of programming language. | True |
62 | _____________ was considered good for describing algorithms. | ALGOL |
63 | PROLOG represent _______________ paradigm. | Declarative |
64 | We can have nested procedures in _________ language. | Ada |
65 | ____ is used to give comments in Ada language. | 4)——- |
66 | Ada is a _____________ language. | Strongly Typed |
67 | In LISP, ___________ is the main tool used for iteration. | Recursion |
68 | Following statement returns the union of the two list in LISP. | >(union L1 L2) |
69 | One of the major design goals of Ada was. | to help develop an IDE for Ada |
70 | It is always better to find out the mistakes in the code at ________. | Compile time |
71 | ___________ is an important feature of Ada language used in embedded systems and operating systems. It is used in managing parallel threads of controls. | Tasking |
72 | The __________ of while loop in Ada is same as in C. | Semantics |
73 | The main design goals of Ada were EXCEPT. | Design language for DoD |
74 | Lists can be constructed with the help of three basic functions which are ___________. | cons, list and append |
75 | Two important versions of LISP are _________________. | Scheme and Common Lisp |
76 | Block statement in Ada is very different to a block in C. | False |
77 | Following is the correct syntax of ‘for’ statement in Ada. | For variable in low value. High- value loop – Loop body goes here end loop; |
78 | A concept similar to Classes in Ada is called _____. | Packages |
79 | Indexes of arrays in Ada DO NOT start from. | 0 |
80 | In C# Managed code is executed under the control of CRL | CRL |
81 | __is more strongly typed language then ____ | C#, C++ |
82 | . In C# the value type and reference type variable are interconvert able through ________ | None of the given |
83 | PHP supported all major Databases including_________. | ODBC |
84 | Object in java script can be accessed through ……… | None of the above |
85 | In SONOBOL the size of the array can be determined at ____. | run time |
86 | In ____ model in Javascript, we can address the client web browser. (kuch esa hi tha thik se yad nae) | BOM |
87 | _____ Language has finally clause. | Java |