CS502 Solved Grand Quiz Spring 2021

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The sequence of merge sort algorithm is:
- Divide Combine-Conquer
- Conquer-Divide-Combine
- c. Divide-Conquer-Combine Page 27
- Combine-Divide-Conquer
In ______ Knapsack Problem, limitation is that an item can either be put in the bag or not. Fractional items are not allowed.
- 0
- 1
- 0/1 Page 91
- Fractional
In Selection algorithm, we assume pivot selection takes theta _______ running time.
- a. n Page – 36
- n2
- n3
- log (n)
In Heap Sort algorithm (using max heap), when every time maximum elements removed from top ________.
- We call merge Sort Algorithm
- it becomes Order n2 Algorithm
- Divide and Conquer strategy helps us
- d. We are left with a hole Page – 41
If matrix A of dimension p x q is multiply with matrix B of dimension q x r, then each entry in resultant matrix takes _______ time.
- a. O (q) Page – 84
- O (1)
- O (p x q)
- O (q x r)
_________ is a method of solving a problem in which we check all possible solutions to the problem to find the solution we need.
- Plane-Sweep Algorithm
- Sorting Algorithm
- c. Brute-Force Algorithm google
- Greedy approach
The worst case running time of Quick sort algorithm _____.
- Cannot be quadratic
- b. Is quadratic
- ls always Exponential
- Is linear
In max heap (for Heap Sort algorithm), when every time maximum element is removed from top we replace it with _____ leaf in the tree.
- second last
- b. Last Page -41
- First
- Any
Quick sort algorithm was developed by –
- AlferdAho
- Sedgewick
- John Vincent Atanasoff
- d. Tony Hoare – Google wikipedia
If Matrix-A has dimensions “3×2” and Matrix-B has dimensions “2×3”, then multiplication of Matrix-A and Matrix-B will result a new Matrix-C having dimensions.
- 3×2
- 2×3
- 2×2
- d. 3×3
For comparison-based sorting algorithms, it is possible to sort more efficiently than Omega n log(n) time.
- Always
- · Sometimes not
- NOT Pg 54
- Sometimes
Dynamic Programming approach is usually useful in solving optimization problems.
- True
- False
In Sorting the key value or attribute_____ from an ordered domain.
- Must be page 39
- Not always
- May be
- Occasionally
Result of asymptotical analysis of n(n -3) and 4n*n is that _______
- n(n-1) is asymptotically Less
- n(n-1) is asymptotically Greater
- Both are asymptotically Not equivalent
- Both are asymptotically Equivalent page 23 (4n*n= 4n2)
Floor and ceiling are ______ to calculate while analyzing algorithms
- Very easy
- 3rd Option is missing
- Usually considered difficult
- 4th Option is missing
_____ of reference is an important fact of current processor technology.
- Defining
- Assigning
- Locality pg-8
- Formality
In max-heap, largest element is stored at root node. Where is the smallest element stored?
- Right Node
- Leaf Node Not sure
- Middle Node
- Left Node
In average-case time analysis of Quick sort algorithm, the most balanced case for partition is when we divide the list of elements into _.
- Equal no. of pieces as of input elements
- Single piece exactly
- Two nearly equal pieces
- Three nearly equal pieces
Which of the following is calculated with Big O notation?
- Medium bounds
- Upper bounds Page – 25
- Lower bounds
- Both upper and lower bounds
Edit distance algorithm based on ________ strategy
- Greedy
- Dynamic Programming Page – 81
- Divide and Conquer
- Searching
In Heapsort Algorithm, total time taken by heapify procedure is ________
- O (log n) Page-43
- O (log2 n)
- O (n log n)
- O (n2 log n)
Al-Khwarizmi was a/an _______
- Artist
- Astronomer
- Mathematication p-7
- Khalifah
When matrix A of 5x3is multiply with metric B of 3×4 then the number of multiplication required is: Not found exactly
- 15
- 12
- 36
- 60 Not Found exactly but as per formula at page 84,
Pseudo code of algorithms are to be read by _______.
- People Page -12
- Computer
- Compiler
The sieve technique is a special case, where the number of sub-problems is Just
- 1 P-34
- 2
- 3
- 4
When a recursive algorithm revisits the same problem over and over again, we say that the optimization problem has ________ sub-problems.
- Overlapping – Google Search
- Over costing
- Optimized
- Three
Sieve technique is very important special case of Divide-and-Conquer strategy.
- False
- True
In order to say anything meaningful about our algorithms, it will be important for us to settle on a ______.
- Java Program
- C++ Program
- Mathematically model of computation
- Pseudo program
Merge sort is based on _______.
- Brute-force
- Plan-sweep
- Divide and Conquer
- Axis-sweep
What time does Merge Sort algorithm take in order to sort an array of ‘n’ numbers?
- (n)
- (log n)
- (n^2)
- d. (n log n) Google Search 31. In Heap Sort
algorithm, the first step is to ___________.
- Call Build-Heap procedure Page – 46
- Sort the array in descending order
- Call Heapify procedure
- Find the number of input elements
The definition of theta-notation relies on proving ________ asymptotic bound.
- One
- Lower
- Upper
- Both lower & upper Page – 25
In merge sort algorithm, to merge two lists of size n/2 to a list of size n, takes
_______ time.
- Theta (n) Page – 32
- Theta log(n)
- Theta log2(n)
- Theta n log(n)
We can make _______ recursive calls in Fibonacci Sequence.
- Infinite
- Finite google
- Only one
- Zero
Following is NOT the application of Edit Distance problem.
- Speech recognition
- Spelling Correction
- Ascending Sort Page – 76
- Computational Molecular Biology
In plane sweep approach, a vertical line is swept across the 2d-plane and structure is used for holding the maximal points lying to the left of the sweep line.
- Array
- Queue
- Stack Page – 18
- Tree
When a heapify procedure is applied to the root node to restore the heap, then at each level, the comparison performed takes time:
- It will take (log n).
- It can not be predicted
- It will take O (1). Page – 43
- Time will vary according to the nature of input data.
_____ time is the maximum running time over all legal inputs.
- Worst-case Page – 13
- Average-case
- Best-case
- Good-case
Efficient algorithm requires less computational…
- Memory
- Running Time
- Memory and Running Time Page – 9
- Energy
For average-case time analysis of Quick sort algorithm, Pivot selection is on average basis from ______
- half of the input values
- all possible random values Page – 50
- Pivot is input separately
- values greater than 5
Selection algorithm takes theta ______
- (n2)
- (n) Page – 37
- log(n)
- n log(n)
Recurrence can be described in terms of a tree.
- Yes Page – 31
- No
Time complexity of Dynamic Programming based algorithm for computing the minimum cost of Chain Matrix Multiplication is ______
- Log n
- n
- n^2 (n square)
- d. n^3 (n cube) Page -90
The Iteration method is used for ______
- Solving Recurrence relations Page 31
- Merging elements in Merge sort
- Comparing sorting algorithms only
- Dividing elements in Merge sort
In 3-Dimensional space, a point P has ______ coordinate(s).
- (X, Y)
- (X, 0)
- (0, Y)
- (X,Y, Z)
Chain matrix multiplication problem can be solved through ______ strategy.
- Dynamic programming Page – 85
- Greedy
- Divide and conquer
- Sorting
Merge sort have running time….running time of Heap sort. Not found exactly
- Greater than
- Less than Google
- Equal to
- Different than
Median is not useful measure of central tendency of given input set especially when the distribution of values is highly skewed.
- True
- False Page – 34
We do not need to mathematically prove that for comparison-based sorting algorithms always takes Omega nlog (n) time.
- True Google
- False
The Omega-notation allows us to state only the asymptotic ______ bounds.
- Middle
- Lower Page 25
- Upper
- Both lower & upper
Both lower & upperSorting can be in ________
- Increasing order only
- Decreasing order only
- Both Increasing and Decreasing order
- Random order
Radix sort performs sorting the numbers _______ digit (s) at a time.
- One Page – 71
- Two
- Three
- All
Quicksort is a/an ______ and ________ sorting algorithm.
- Not in place, not stable one
- In place , not stable one Page – 54
- In place , stable one
- Not in place , stable one
Consider three matrices X,Y,Z of dimensions 1×2, 2×3,3×4 respectively. The number of multiplications of (XY) Z is:
- 18 As per lecture slides
- 32
- 24
- 30
In Fibonacci Sequence, unnecessary repetitions do not exist at all.
- True
- False Page – 74
It is not a Fibonacci sequence . 1,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,…..
- True Page – 73
- False
Heap sort is a/ an ______ and ________ sorting algorithem.
- Not in place, not stable one
- In place , not stable one Page – 54
- In place , stable one
- Not in place , stable one
Identify the True Statement
- The knapsack problem does not belong to the domain of optimization problems.
- The knapsack problem belongs to the domain of optimization
problems. Page – 91
- The Knapsack problem cannot be solved by using dynamic programming
- The knapsack problem is optimally solved by using brute force algorithm.
In Dynamic Programming, our approach is to _________
- Develop the solution in a top-down fashion
- Express the problem non-recursively
- Build the solution in a bottom-up fashion Page – 75
- Input several sub-problems simultaneously
Counting sort is suitable to sort the elements in range 1 to K;
- K is large
- K is small Page – 57
- K may be large or small
- None
We can multiply two matrices A and B only when they are compatible which means
- Number of columns in A must be equal to number of rows in B.
it seems Correct as per page 84
- Number of columns in A must be equal to number of columns in B
- Number of rows and columns do not matter
- Number of rows in A must be equal to number of rows in B
Matrix multiplication is a (n) ________ operation.
- Commutative
- Associative Page 85
- Neither commutative nor associative
- Commutative but not associative
In Dynamic Programming approach, solution is modified / changed
- Always once
- At each stage google and wikipedia
- Only for specific problems
- At 4th stage only
In Knapsack problem, the goal is to put items in the Knapsack such that the value of the items is __________ subject to weight limit of knapsack.
- Minimized
- Decreased
- Maximized Page – 91
- None of the given options
An in-place sorting algorithm is one that ________ uses additional array for storage.
- Always
- Permanently
- Does not Page – 54
- Sometime
Memoization is a part of Dynamic Programming Strategy.
- True Page – 74
- False
If matrix A of dimension 2×4 is multiply with matrix B of dimension 4×3, then
the dimension of resultant matrix is Not found exactly
- 2×4
- 4×3
- 3×4
- 2×3 It seems correct as per second last Para of page 84
In Dynamic Programming approach, we do not store the solution to each sub-problem in case if it reappears.
- True
- False Page – 75
Dynamic Programming is a problem-solving approach in which___
- Problem is solved in Zero time
- Solution is developed only at final stage
- Both are correct
- Both are incorrect google
In Fibonacci sequence, each term is calculated by____ previous__ terms.
- Subtracting, Two
- Adding, Three
- Adding, Two Page – 73
- Multiplying, Two
Selection sort is not an in-place sorting algorithm.
- True Page – 54
- False
If there are θ (n2) entries in edit distance matrix then the total running time is:
- θ (n)
- θ (1)
- θ (n2) Page – 84
- θ (n logn)
The only way to convert a string of i characters into the empty string is with i deletions, represented as
- E(0.j) =j
- E(i.j) = 1
- E(0.i) = j
- E (i.0)=I Page – 78
Dynamic programming formulation of the matrix chain multiplication problem will store the solutions of each sub problem in an
- Array
- Variable
- Table Page – 86
- class
We can use the optimal substructure property to devise a formulation of the edit distance problem.
- Selective
- Optimum
- Iterative
- Recursive Page – 78
Sorting is performed on the basis of ___________.
- Computational resources
- Asymptotic notation
- Summation
- Some key value of attribute page- 39
In Heap Sort algorithm, we call Build-heap procedure ____________.
- Only once page 46
- Twice
- Thrice
- As many times as we need
Radix sort is not a non-comparative integer sorting algorithm.
- True Google Search
- False
In the statement “output P[1].x, P[1].y”, the number of times elements of P are accessed is _______.
- 1
- b. 2 page 14
- 3
- 4
The main purpose of mathematical analysis is measuring the ______ required by the algorithm.
- Inputs & outputs
- Space
- Execution TIME page 13
- Execution time and memory
_______ provides us more accurate result when input values are not closer with each other
- Mode
- Average
- Median P-34
- Mean
The process of ______ ends when you are left with such tiny pieces remaining that it is trivial to solve them.
- Brute-force
- Plan-sweep
- Divide and Conquer
- Axis-sweep
__________ overcomes the limitations of _______ by working as per positional notations of numbers.
- Counting sort, Radix sort
- Radix sort, Counting sort
Memorization is a part of Dynamic Programming strategy.
- False
- True
Rank of an element can be defined as ___________.
- One minus the number of elements that are smaller
- Two plus the number of elements that are greater
- One plus the number of elements that are smaller P-34
- Two minus the number of elements that are smaller
If the time complexity of an algorithm is given by O (1), then its time complexity would be
- Polynomial
- Exponential
- Constant – Wikipedia
- Average
Quick sort is a recursive algorithm.
- True
- False
The asymptotic growth of n(n+1)/2 is:
- O(n2) As the n^2 term has the largest contribution, the Big-O complexity is O(n^2)
- O(n)
- O(n+2)
- O(n log n)
Approach of solving geometric problems by sweeping a line across the plane is called _____ sweep.
- Line
- Plane Page 18
- Cube
- Box
As per algorithm of Dynamic Programing, we need to store
- First sub-problem only
- Best solution only
- Intermediate sub-problems Pg:75
- Final solution only
In Sieve technique, we solve the problem
- In recursive manner Pg:34
- Non recursively
- Using Merge Sort algorithm
- Using Brute force technique
One of the limitation in 0/1 knapsack is that an item can either be ________ in the bag or not.
- Use
- Put Pg:91
- Move
- Store
Which one is not passed as parameter in Quick sort algorithm?
- End of the array
- Middle of the array
- Array (containing input elements) Google
- Start of the array
In the analysis of Selection algorithm, we get the convergent _________
- Harmonic
- Linear
- Arithmetic
- Geometric Pg:37
A Random Access Machine (RAM)is an idealized machine withrandom access memory.
- Infinite large Pg:10
- 512 MB
- 256 MB
- 2 GBs
While analyzing Selection algorithm, we make a number of passes, in fact it could be as many as
- n(n+1)
- log(n) Pg:37
- n/3
- n/4
In Random Access Machine (RAM), instructions are executed in
- Parallel
- Batch
- One by One Pg:10
- Multiple times
In selection problem, the rank of an element will be its ________ position
- First
- final Pg:34
- Second last
- Last
The worst-case running time of Merge sort is _____ in order to sort an array of n elements.
- O(log n)
- O(n)
- O(n log n) page 40 and google
- O(n)
f(n) and g(n) are asymptotically equivalent. This means that they have essentially the same ______.
- Results
- Variables
- Growth Rates
- Size
An algorithm is a mathematical entity. Which is independent of _______.
- Programming language
- Machine and Programming language
- Programing Language Compiler and Machine
- Compiler and Programming language
In Quick sort algorithm, Pivots form ___
- Stack
- Queue
- Graph
- Binary Search Tree
Counting sort is suitable for sorting the elements within range 1 to P. where
- P is large
- P is very large
- P is undetermined
- P is Small
In asymptotical analysis of n'(5 2)-3, as n becomes large, the dominant (fastest growing) term is some constant times
- n_1
- n
- n+1
- n*n p-23
___ Items are not allowed in the 0/1 knapsack.
- Lighter
- Whole
- Weighty
- Fractional
Fibonacci Sequence was named on ______, a famous mathematician in 12th Century.
- Fred Brooks
- Grady Booch
- Leonardo Pisano
- Edgar F. Codd
In Heap Sort algorithm, we build _____ for ascending sort.
- Min heap
- Max Heap pg-41
Bubble sort is not an in-place sorting algorithm.
- True
b. False | P-54 |
In partition algorithm, the subarray ______ has elements which are greater than pivot element x.
- A[p…r]
- A[p…q-1]
- A[q]
- S[q+1…r]
In Heap Sort algorithm, if heap property is violated
- We call Heapify procedure
- We ignore
- Heap property can never be violated
- We call Build Heap procedure
______ is not a characteristic of Random Access Machine.
- Assigning a value to a variable
- Locality of reference
- Single-Processor P-10
- Executing an arithmetic instruction
The only way to convert an empty string into a sting of j characters is by doing j insertions, represented as ______
- E(i,j) = 1
- E(I,0) = I
- E(0,j) = j page 78
- E(1,j)= j
In Selection problem, the Sieve technique works in __________.
- Non-recursive manner
- Constant time
- Phases page 34
- One complete go
Algorithm is a sequence of computational steps that —- the input into output.
- Merge
- Assign
- Transform page 7
- Integrate
If pj dominates pi and pi dominates ph then pj also dominates ph, it means dominance relation is
- Transitive page 18
- Non Transitive
- Equation
- Symbolic
To find maximal points in brute-force algorithm each point of the space is compared against ______ of that space.
- One other point
- All other points page 11
- Few other points
- Most of the other points
In the following code the statement “cout<<j;”executes ——— times. for (j=1; j<=5; j = j+2)
- 5 times
- 2 times
- 3 times
- 0 times
In merge sort algorithm, we split the array around the ______ index q.
- Mid page 17
- Exiting
- Entring
- Summing
In Selection problem, the Sieve technique _________.
- Add some more input items each time
- Do not work recursively
- Do not uses Divide and Conquer approach
- Eliminates undesired data items each time
Consider three matrices X, Y, Z of dimensions 1 x 2, 2 x 3, 3 x 4 respectively. The number of multiplications of X(YZ) is .
- 16
- 32
- 26
- 32 page 84
In Heap Sort algorithm, the total running time for Heapify procedure is
- Theta (log n)
- Order (log n)
- Omega (log n)
- O(1) i.e. Constant time
The sieve technique works where we have to find_______ items(s) from a large input.
- Single page 34
- Two
- Three
- Similar
In Dynamic Programming based solution of Knapsack Problem, if we decide to take an object i , then we gain______
- W(Total Weight of Knapsack)
- V (Total Value of all items)
- vi (Value of object i) page 93
- Nome of the given option
While Sorting, the order domain means for any two input elements x and y
_______ satisfies only.
- x < y page 39
- x > y
- x = y
- All of the above
For solving Selection problem, we introduced Sieve technique due to
- Using Decrease and Conquer strategy page 34
- Avoiding to sort all input data
- Eliminating Rank of an element
- Using Brute-force approach
________ is one of the few problems, where provable lower bounds exist on how fast we can sort.
- Searching
- Sorting page 38
- Both Searching & sorting
- Growing
In plane sweep approach, a vertical line is swept across the 2d-plane from_____.
- Right to Left
- Left to Right page 18
- Top to Bottom
- Bottom to top
In generating Fibonacci sequence, we can avoid unnecessary repetitions by
_____ process.
- Tokenization
- Memorization page 43
- Randomization
- Memorization
For _________ values of n, any algorithm is fast enough.
- Medium
- Large
- Small page 14
- Infinity
Dynamic programming comprises of _______.
- Recursion only
- Repetition only
- Recursion with Repetition
- No Repetition but Recursion page 75
The function f(n)=n(logn+1)/2 is asymptotically equalient t nlog n :Here Lower Bound means function f(n) grows asymptotically at __ as fast as nlog n.
- Least page 23
- Normal
- Most
- At
Counting sort has time complexity.
- O(n+k)
- O(n) page 58
- O(k)
- O(nlogn)
Due to left complete nature of binary tree, the heap can be stored in
- Array page 40
- Structures
- Link List
- Stack
Single item from a larger set of ________.
- Constant
- Pointers
- Phases
- n items page 34
In the clique cover problem, for two vertices to be in the same group, they must be ______ each other.
- Apart from
- Far from
- Near to
- Adjacent to page 76
How much time merge sort takes for an array of numbers?
- T(n^2)
- T(n)
- T(log n)
- T(n log n) page 40
In in-place sorting algorithm is one that uses arrays for storage.
- No additional array page 54
- An additional array
- Both of above may be true according to algorithm
- More than 3 arrays of one dimension
Brute-force algorithm for 2D-Maxima is operated by comparing ______
pairs of points.
- Two
- Some
- Most
- All page 18
While Sorting, the ordered domain means for any two input elements x and y ____ satisfies only.
- x > y
- x < y
- x = y
- All of the above page 38
Quick sort is.
- Not stable but in place page 54
- Stable but not in place
- Stable & in Place
- Some time stable & some times in place
Which may be a stable sort?
- Merger
- Insertion
- Both above page 54
- None of the above
For the Sieve Technique we take time.
- T(nk) page 34
- IT(n / 3)
- n^2
- n/3
Continuation sort is suitable to sort the elements in range 1 to k.
- K is Large
- K is not known
- K may be small or large
- K is small page 54
Asymptotic growth rate of the function is taken over ______ case running time. .
- Worst page 14
- Average
- Best
- Normal
The sieve technique is a special case, where the number of sub problems is just.
- 5
- Many
- 1 page 34
- Few
In Quick sort, we don’t have the control over the sizes of recursive calls.
- True page 49
- False
- Less information to decide
- Ether true or false
Before sweeping a vertical line in plane sweep approach, in start sorting of the points is done in increasing order of their _____ coordinates. .
- Y
- Z
- X
- X , Y
Random access machine or RAM is a/an.
- Machine build by Al-Khwarizmi
- Mechanical machine
- Mathematical model page 10
- Electronics machine
The Huffman codes provide a method of encoding data inefficiently when coded using ASCII standard.
- True
- False page 99
A heap is a left-complete binary tree that confirms to the ________.
- increasing order only
- decreasing order only
- heap order page 40
- log n order
If we associate (x, y) integers pair to cars where x is the speed of the car and y is the negation of the price. High y value for a car means a ________ car.
- Fast
- Slow
- Expensive
- Cheap
Which one of the following sorting algorithms is the fastest?
- Merge sort
- Quick sort
- Insertion sort
- Heap sort
Quick sort algorithm divide the entire array into ________ sub arrays.
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
In brute force algorithm, we measure running time T(n) based on ________.
- Worst-case time and best-case time
- Worst-case time and average-case time page 46
- Average-case time and best-case time
- Best-case time and staring-case time
For 2D Maxima problem. Plane Sweep algorithm first of all _________.
- Sorts all points
- Delete some points
- Output the elements
- Pushes all points on stack
There are ________ entries in the Edit Distance Matrix
- ϴ (n)
- ϴ (n2) page 84
- ϴ (n+2)
- ϴ (n + 100)
Which symbol is used for Omega notation?
- (O)
- (ϴ)
- (Ω)
- (@)
Selection sort is a ______ sorting algorithm
- In-place page 54
- Not In-Place
- Stable
- in-partition
In Dynamic Programming based solution of knapsack problem, to compute entries of ‘V’, we will imply a(n) ______ approach.
- Subjective
- Inductive
- Brute Force
- Combination
We do not need to prove comparison-based sorting algorithms by mathematically. It always takes _________ time.
- Big Oh nlog(n)
- Omega nlog(n) NOT SURE
- Omega n(n^2)
- Theta nlog(n)
Merge sort is a/an _______ and ________ sorting algorithm
- Not in-place, not stable one
- In-place, not stable one
- In-place, stable one
- Not in-place, stable one page 54
Cubic function will ________ a quadratic function.
- Prove
- be equal to
- overtake Page 25
- find
Insertion sort is a _________ sorting algorithm
- Unstable
- In-place Page 54
- Not In-Place
- in-partition
To check whether a function grows faster or slower than the other function, we use some asymptotic notations, which is ________.
- Big-oh notation
- Theta notation
- Omega notation
- All of the given
Asymptotic growth of 8n^2 + 2n – 3 is:
- Θ(n^2 + n)
- Θ (n^2) page 14
- Θ(8n^2)
- Θ(8n^2 + 2n)
In the analysis of algorithms, _________ plays an important role.
- text analysis
- time
- growth rate
- money
In inductive approach of knapsack problem, we consider 2 cases, _______
Or ________.
- Median, Mode
- Recursive, Iterative
- Leave object, Take object page 93
- Sequentially. Parallel
Random Access Machine (RAM) can execute _________ instructions
- only logical
- parallel
- only arithmetic
- logical and arithmetic
Using _______ algorithm, efficiency is not given much importance
- Greedy
- Merge sort
- Processing
- Brute Force
Bubble sort takes theta _________ in the worst case
- (n2) page 39
- (n)
- log(n)
- nlog(n)
If matrix A of dimension p × q is multiply with matrix B of dimension q × r, then dimension of resultant matrix is:
- q × r
- r × p
- P x r
- P x q
Dynamic Programing algorithms often use some kind of ________ to store the results of intermediate sub-problems
- variable
- stack
- Table
- loop
________________ is in-place sorting algorithm.
- Bubble sort (Page 54)
- Merge sort
- Linear search
- Binary Search
Which one of the following problems can be solved using dynamic problem?
- Bubble sort problem
- Matrix chain multiplication problem page 85
- Greedy search problem
- Fractional knapsack problem
In chain matrix multiplication, solutions of the sub-problems are stored in a
- Array
- Table page 86
- Tree
- Link list
What is the average running time of a quick sort algorithm?
- O(n^2)
- O(n)
- O(n log n) (Page 49)
- O(log n)
Sorting Algorithms having O _______ running time are considered to be slow ones.
- (n)
- (n^2) (Page 39)
- (nlog(n))
- (log(n))
While solving Selection problem, in Sieve technique we partition input data
- In increasing order
- In decreasing order
- According to Pivot
- Randomly
________ is the process of avoiding unnecessary repetitions by writing down the results of recursive calls and looking them up again if we need them later.
- Loop
- Memoization page 74
- Recursion
- Function
In average-case time the probability of seeing input is denoted by _______.
- p{I}
- p[I]
- p<i>
- p(i) page 13
While applying the Sieve technique to selection sort, how to choose a pivot element.
- Through mean
- Linear
- Randomly page 35
- Sequentially
Number of _______ of the pseudo code are counted to measure the running time.
- Inputs
- Outputs
- Steps page 13
- Pages
Developing a dynamic programming algorithm generally involves ______
separate steps.
- One
- Two page 75
- Three
- Four
8n^2+2n+3 will exceed c28(n), no matter how large we make _____.
- n
- 2n
- c2 page 25
- this quadratic equation
The running time of quick sort algorithm_________.
- Is impossible to compute
- Has nothing to do with pivot selection
- Is Random upon each execution
- Greatly influenced by the selection of pivot page 49
_________ involves breaking up the problem into sub problems whose solutions can be combined to solve the global problem.
- Complexity Theory
- Dynamic programming solution
- Divide and Conquer Strategy page 34
- Greedy Algorithms
In _____________ we have to find rank of an element from given input.
- Merge sort algorithm
- Selection problem page 34
- Brute force technique
- Plane Sweep algorithm
How many steps are involved to design the dynamic programming strategy?
- 2
- 3
- 1
- 4 page 92
In Bucket sort, if there are duplicates then each bin can be replaced by a
- Linked list page 69
- Hash table
- Stack
- Heap
In merge sort algorithm, we split the array ______ to find index q.
- from end
- from start
- midway page 28
- both from start or end
Find the maximum value of the items which can carry using knapsack Knapsack weight capacity = 50.
Item Weight Value
470 200
- 280
- 100
- 90
- 200
In 2-d maxima problem a point p is said to be dominated by point q if
- p.x <= q.x
- bp.x <= q.x and p.y <= q.y page 17
- p.y <= q.y
- p.x >= q.x and p.y >=q.y
Sorting can be in ______________.
- Increasing order only
- Decreasing order only
- Both increasing and decreasing order
- Random order
Recurrence can be described in terms of _______________.
- Array
- Linear
- Tree page 31
- Graph
The brute-force algorithm for 2D-Maxima runs in order O(__) time.
- n
- n(log n)
- n*n page 18
- n3
In plane sweep approach of solving geometric problems, a _________ is swept across the plane.
- Line page 18
- Plane
- Cube
- Box
Which of the following is calculated with Big Omega notation?
- Medium bounds
- Upper bounds
c. Lower bounds Page – 25
- Both upper and lower bounds
_________ is always based on divide and conquer strategy.
- Bubble sort
- Selection sort
- Pigeon sort
- Quick sort page 46
If a matrix has three rows and two columns, then dimensions of matrix will be:
- 3×2
- 2×3
- 3×3
- 2×2
Asymptotic notations are used to describe _______ of an algorithm.
- Length
- running time google
- size
- compile time
Catalan numbers are related the number of different ______ on ‘n’ nodes.
- Arrays
- linked lists
- binary trees page 85
- functions
Applying the sieve technique to selection problem, ________ element is picked from array.
- Output
- Total
- Input
- Pivot page 35
Dynamic Programming approach is usually useful in solving _______
- Optimization google
- Array
- Normal
- Loop
In recursive formulation of knapsack Problem: V [0, j] = ________ for j>=0
- -1
- 0 page 93
- 1
- 2
________ is a linear time sorting algorithm.
- Merge sort
- Radix sort page 71
- Quick sort
- Bubble sort
Quick sort is one of the _____ sorting algorithm.
- Fastest page 19
- Slowest
- Major
- Average
The time assumed for each basic operation to execute on RAM model of computation is _____.
- Infinite
- Continuous
- Constant page 10
- Variable
In Sieve Technique, we know the item of interest.
- True
- False
While analyzing algorithms, _______ and _______ usually considered difficult to calculate.
- Floor, ceiling google
- Row, Column
- Finite, Infinite
- Graph, Tree
While analysis of the brute-force maxima algorithm, an array sorted in the reverse order is the type of _________ case input.
- Best
- Worst page 14
- Somewhat bad
- Average
_________ is not useful measure of central tendency of given input set especially when the distribution of values is highly skewed.
- Mean
- Mode
- Average
- Median page 34
In asymptotical analysis of n(n-3) and 4n*n, as n becomes large, the dominant (fastest growing) term is some constant times _______.
- n+1
- n-1
- n
- n*n page 23
In addition to passing in the array itself to Merge Sort algorithm, we will pass in other arguments which are indices.
- Three
- Two
- Four
- Five
In 2d-maximal problem, a point is said to be if it is not dominated by any other point in that space.
- Member
- Minimal
- Maximal
- Joint
Counting sort assumes that the numbers to be sorted are in the range
- K to n where n is large
- K to n where k is small
- 1 to k where k is small
- k to n where n is small
Insertion sort is an efficient algorithm for sorting a __________ number of elements
- Small
- Extra large
- Large
- Medium
If the indices passed to merge sort algorithm are _________ then this means that there is only one element to sort.
- Small page 28
- Large
- Equal
- Not Equal
In Knapsack Problem, each item must be entirely accepted or rejected, is called ______ problem.
- Linear
- Fractional
- 0-1
- Optimal
If the time complexity of an algorithm is O(n). then it is called _______ time complexity.
- Linear Wikipedia
- Constant
- Average
- Exponential
In the case of _________ analysis does not depend upon on the distribution of input.
- Merge sort
- Insertion sort
- Quick Sort
- Heap sort
We can use the ___________ Property to devise a recursive formulation of the edit distance problem.
- Small substructure
- Algorithmic
- Real
- Optimal substructure page 78
The following sequence is called ____________
- 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,…..
- Fibonacci sequence page 73
- Optimal sequence
- Optimize Sequence
- Overlapping sequence
Which one sorting algorithm is best suited to sort an array of 2 million elements?
- Bubble sort
- Insert sort
- Merge sort
- Quick sort
- Ridx Sort page 71
We can improve the performance of quick sort if we could be able to _,__________.
- Select two or more pivots page 34
- Skip any sub-array completely
- Skit Input elements somehow
- Eliminate recursive calls
The problem with the brute-force algorithm is that is uses ________ in pruning out de
- Worst-case time
- No intelligence page 18
- Outside looping
- Artificial intelligence
In chain matrix multiplication, the order of the matrices __________.
- Can be changed
- Can not be changed page 85
- is equal
- is reverse
In quick sort algorithm, we choose pivot___________.
- Always the smallest element
- Greater than 5
- Randomly page 35
- Less than 5
- In Heap Sort algorithm. Heapify procedure is ________ in nature.
- Recursive
- Non-Recursive page 43
- Fast
- Slow
When matrix A of 5x 3 is multiplied with matrix B of 3 x 4 then the number of multiplications required will be ___________.
- 15
- 12
- 36
- 60
An algorithm is said to be correct if for every ______ instance, it halts with the correct ______.
- Input, Output page 13
- Design, Analysis
- Value, Key
- Key, Analysis
In chain matrix multiplication, table is filled _________ to find the multiplication of matrix.
- row wise
- column wise
- diagonally
- bottom-to-up page 86
If we have an equation 8n2+7f*n + 5f + 6 then is large, ________ term will be muchxxxxxxxthe n term and will dominate the running time.
- f g (n)
- g (n) * 2
- n * 2 page 23
- f (n)
For quick sort algorithm. Partitioning takes theta ________.
- (n)
- log(n)
- n log (n)
- n2log (n)
In Heap Sort algorithm, the maximum levels an element can move upward is
- Theta (log n) page 43
- Big-ch (log n)
- Omega (log n)
- 0 (1) i.e. Constant time
_______ programming is essentially recursion without repetition.
- Array
- Fast
- Dynamic
- n (log n)
There are no hard formal rules to the syntax of the ________ code.
- Basic
- Programming
- Pseudo
- Assembly
In Heap Sort algorithm, to remove the maximum element every time.
- We call Build-Heap procedure
- Heap Sort algorithm terminates without result
- We call heapify procedure
- Nothing happens
Which process is used for avoiding unnecessary repetitions and looking them up again if we need them later.
- Greedy Approach
- Memoization page 74
- Divide and conquer
- Recursion
The worst-case running time of Quick sort is _________ in order to sort an array of n element.
- O(n log n) page 49
- O(n)
- O(n2)
- O(log n)
Boolean operation is a _________ operation on an idealized RAM model of computation.
- Advance
- String
- Basic
- Normal
In chain matrix multiplication, if there are n items, there are ________ ways in which outer most pair of parentheses can placed.
- n^2
- 2n
- n+1
- d. n-1 page 85
The number of nodes in a complete binary tree of height h is:
- * (h+1) – 1
- * (h+1)
- b. 2^(h+1) – 1 page 40
- ((h+1)^2) – 1