CS301 Solved Grand Quiz Spring 2021

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CS301 Solved MCQs
1. Consider the following infix expression. 7/8+9
If one converts the above expression into postfix, what would be the resultant expression?
a. 789/+
b. 78/+9
c. /78+9
d. 78/9+
2. Suppose there are 100 elements in an equivalence classes so initially there will be 100 tree.The collection of tree is called_
a. Cluster
b. Class
c. Forest
d. Bunch
3. For a perfect binary tree of height h, having N nodes the sum of height of nodes is
a. N-h-1
b. N-1
c. N-1+h
d. N-(h-1)
4. Sorting procedure normally takes ______time
a. N log N
b. 2 N
c. N*N*N
d. N
5. there are 100 elements in an equivalence classes then will have ______state initially
a. 50
b. 100
c. 1000
d. 80
6. ________ objects (objects accessed by pointers) are called anonymous objects.
a. Private
b. Nameless
c. Friend
d. Public
7. ___________ is a self-balancing tree.
a. AVL
b. Binary Tree
c. Binary Search Tree
d. ALV
8. Which of the following operation returns but do not removes top value of the stack?
a. Push
b. Pop
c. Top
d. First
9. Int htdiff = height(root->getLeft()) __________ height(root->getRight()); The above line of code is taken from AVL insert method.
Complete it by selecting an appropriate symbol.
a. –
b. +
c. /
d. *
10. Which operation of the queue data structure is used to insert an element into the Queue?
a. Enqueue()
b. Dequeue()
c. Fornt()
d. Remove()
11. For making binary search tree for strings we need, ________ data type.
a. Char
b. Int
c. Float
d. Double
12. Local variables defined inside function body are ________ automatically at the end of function execution.
a. Created
b. Destroyed
c. Incremented
d. Decremented
9. If a node has three fields, then this node will be related to
a. Linked list
b. Doubly linked list
c. Circular linked list
d. All of the given
10. ________ is an area in computer memory that is allocated dynamically.
a. Heap
b. Stack
c. Queue
d. Linked list
11. Linked list use _______ to store data.
a. Array
b. 2-D Array
c. Variables
d. Linked Memory
12. The lifetime of a transient object cannot exceed that of the application.
a. True
b. False
c. In some cases
d. None of the given
13. To represent hierarchical relationship between elements, which data structure is suitable?
a. Dequeue
b. Priority
c. Stack
d. Tree
14. Local variables of a function are stored in,
a. Binary search tree
b. Stack
c. Queue
d. AVL tree
15. In-order traversal method traverses tha data in
a. Non sorted order
b. Random order
c. Sorted order
d. None of the given
16. Dequeue() operation of queue data structure is used to _________
a. Get an element from the front of the queue
b. Remove an element from the front and return it
c. Insert an element at the front
d. Insert an element at the back
17. In a tree, we link the nodes in such a way that it _________ a linear structure.
a. Does not remain
b. Forms
c. Reverses
d. Remains
18. Factorial is an example of ________ function.
a. Recursive
b. Non-recursive
c. Cube
d. Log
19. All the objects created using _________ operator have to be explicitly destroyed using delete operator.
a. New
b. Delete
c. Del
d. Create
20. In the calling function, after the execution of the function called, the program continues its execution from the _______ after the function call.
a. Previous line
b. Next line
c. Beginning
d. None of the above
21. Last node in circular linked list contains
a. At least one null pointer
b. No null pointer
c. Maximum two null pointers
d. None of the given
22. One should be careful about transient _______ that are stored by reference in data structures.
a. Objects
b. Stack
c. Function
d. Tree
23. Binary search tree violates the condition of AVL tree when any node has balance equal to
a. 2 or -2
b. 1 or -1
c. 0
d. None of the options
24. Security of data is the main usage of AVL tree.
a. True
b. False
c. In some cases
d. None of the given
25. A binary tree whose every node has either zero or two children is called _________.
a. Complete binary tree
b. Binary search tree
c. Strictly binary tree
d. None of above
26. In internal memory organization of a process, there is some area of memory for static data that holds _________ variables.
a. Static
b. Global
c. Not static neither global
d. Both static and global
27. Following is true in case of using recursive method calls.
a. The code becomes very long
b. There is no effect on length of code
c. The code becomes very short
d. Code becomes very easy to understand
28. In which traversal method, the recursive calls can be used to traverse a binary tree?
a. In preorder traversal only
b. In inorder traversal only
c. In postorder traversal only
d. All of the given options
29. If we use doubly linked list to implement list then there is an issue of
a. Next pointer of first node and pre pointer of last node are NULL
b. Next pointer of first node and next pointer of last node are NULL
c. Pre pointer of first node and next pointer of last node are NULL
d. Pre pointer of first node and pre pointer of last node are NULL
30. In case of insertion of left outer node in BST,
a. We apply single right rotation to make it AVL tree.
b. We apply single left rotation to make it AVL tree.
c. We first apply right rotation and then left rotation to make it AVL tree.
d. We first apply left rotation and then right rotation to make it AVL tree.
31. Whenever we call a function, the complier makes a stack, the top element of the stack is _____
of the function.
a. First argument
b. Return address
c. Last argument
d. None of the above
32. Suppose a stack class has been defined using template. Now, we want to declare a Stack object of an int type. What will be the correct syntax?
a. <int>Stack stack;
b. Stack<int> stack;
c. Stack int stack;
d. Int Stack stack;
33. In node class one field is an integer data and other field will be _______
a. Pointer to class
b. Pointer to node
c. Pointer to integer
d. None of given options
34. If there are 100,0000 unique members (nodes) stored in a complete binary tree, the tree will have ______ levels.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
35. ~BinarySearchTree() is a ________.
a. Constructor
b. Destructor
c. Switch case
d. Template method call
36. _______ is utilized at the time of memory allocation in dynamic manner.
a. Stack
b. Queue
c. Heap
d. All of the given
37. How many cases of rotation are there in AVL tree?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
38. A list is the collection of items of the __________
a. May be of same or may be of different type
b. Different type
c. Same type
d. None of the above
39. Int * i = new int[10]; Above given code will:
a. Create an integer having value 10
b. Allocate memory for 9 integers
c. Allocate memory for 10 integers
d. Create 10 pointers of integer type
40. The depth of a binary tree is
a. Total number of nodes in the tree
b. Number of leaf nodes in the tree
c. Number of non-leaf nodes in the tree
d. Maximum level of a leaf
41. A ________ model attempts to model a real-world phenomenon
a. Physical
b. Logical
c. Simulation
d. Conceptual
42. In level-order traversal for binary search tree, we visit the nodes at each level before proceeding to the next level, in a __________ order.
a. Right-to-left
b. Left-to-right
c. Top-to-bottom
d. Bottom-to-top
43. The balance of a node in a binary tree is defined as the height of its ________ sub tree minus height of its right sub tree.
a. Right
b. Left
c. Upper
d. Lower
44. Allocating and de-allocating memory for linked list nodes does take _______ time than pre-allocated array.
a. Less
b. More
c. Equal
d. No
45. Consider we have performed the following operations on a stack of size 5. Push(10);
After the completion of all operation, the top element in stack is _______.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 40
d. 50
46. Each operator in a postfix expression refers to the previous _______ operand(s).
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
47. In doubly linked list a node consists of three parts:
a. 1 pointer and 2 objects
b. 2 pointers and 1 object
c. 3 objects
d. 3 pointers
48. For reference variables, ________ sign is used.
a. Ampersand
b. Asterisk
c. Sigma
d. Dollar
49. Which of the following data structure is linear type?
a. Stack
b. List
c. Queue
d. All of the above
50. The – – is a decrement operator in C++ that decreases the value of the operand by ______.
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
51. Which of the following statement is correct for the variable “current- -“?
a. Current = current + 1
b. Current = current – 1
c. Current = current – 2
d. Current – 1 = current
52. When an executable program runs, it is loaded in the computer memory and becomes a
a. Thread
b. .h file
c. Process
d. None of the above
53. start() method of list class is used to:
a. Moves the “current” pointer to very first element
b. Moves the “current” pointer to very last element
c. Moves the “current” pointer to one step after the first element of the array
d. Moves the “current” pointer to one step before the first element of the array
54. a * (b + c) – d is an example of _______ expression.
a. Infix
b. Prefix
c. Postfix
d. Alfix
55. In a program a reference variable, say x, can be declared as
a. int &x;
b. int *x;
c. int x;
d. none of the given options
56. We allocate memory dynamically by using ______ operator.
a. This
b. New
c. Increment
d. Decrement
57. Get(?) method of list class is used to:
a. Get element from the last position
b. Get element from the first position
c. Get element from the middle position
d. Get element at the given position
58. STL is a _______ that is a part of the official standard of C++.
a. C program file
b. .h file
c. .cpp file
d. Library
59. There are ____ cases for deleting a node from binary search tree.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
60. In a list, tail() method of current pointer ________
a. Returns the last element of the “current” pointer
b. Moves the “current” pointer to the very first element
c. Moves the “current” pointer to the very last element
d. Returns the first element of the “current” pointer
61. Suppose we have been given the following data set for a queue:
What will be the resultant queue if we call a front() method?
a. 7524
b. 37524
c. 75243
d. 5 2 4
62. Suppose we have been given the following data set for a queue:
What will be the resultant queue if we call enqueue(3) method? Note that 7 is the front element whereas 4 is rear element of queue.
a. 7524
b. 37524
c. 75243
d. 5243
63. Maximum time that an insertion operation can take in AVL tree is _______. Here log stands for log to the base of 2.
a. Log (n)
b. 1.44 log (n)
c. 1.66 log (n)
d. Log (n+1)
64. _______ is when function is calling to itself.
a. Loop
b. Recursion
c. Iteration
d. Nested loop
65. Left, right, info, and parent are the operations of ________ data structure.
a. Stack
b. Tree
c. Queue
d. Linked list
66. Following is a keyword of C++
a. Del
b. Delete
c. Remove
d. Eliminate
67. The expression DE+H* is called ______
a. Prefix expression
b. Infix expression
c. Postfix expression
d. Hybrid expression
68. A software solution is said to be efficient if it solves the problem __________.
a. By using some extra resources
b. Within no time
c. By consuming more hardware resources
d. Within its resources constraints
69. Each node in a singly linked list contains two fields, one field called data field while other field contains:
a. Pointer to an integer
b. Pointer to character
c. Pointer to next node
d. Pointer to class
70. Each node in singly linked list contains _______
a. One pointer
b. Two pointers
c. No pointer
d. NULL pointer
71. Every AVL tree is a binary search tree.
a. True
b. False
c. Not in some cases
d. None of the given
72. In singly linked list “next” field of node contains:
a. Address of next node
b. Object of next node
c. Object of current node
d. Address of head node
73. Two common models of simulation are _____ and _____.
a. Circuit-based simulation and Event- based simulation
b. Circuit-based simulation and Time-based simulation
c. Time-based simulation and Event- based simulation
d. None of the above
74. Stack and Queue can be implements using _____.
a. Singly Link List
b. Binary Tree
c. Binary search Tree
d. AVL Tree
75. What are the basic things associated with data structures?
a. Space for each data item it stores
b. Time to perform each basic operation
c. Programming effort
d. All of the above
76. In AVL tree insertion occurs on the inside in case ____ and 3 which a single rotation cannot fix.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5
77. add(12) method of linked list class will
a. Add 12 nodes in linked list
b. Add 12 pointers in linked list
c. Add 12 as value in linked list
d. Add 12 values in linked list
78. Which of the following is a non- linear data structure?
a. Stack
b. Queue
c. Tree
d. Linked list
79. Which data structure allows deleting data elements from front anf inserting at rear?
a. Stacks
b. Queues
c. Deques
d. Binary search tree
80. Array cells are ____ in computer memory.
a. Contiguous
b. Random
c. Store in multiple Variables
d. Store in multiple functions
81. A kind of expression where the operator is present between two operands called
a. Infix
b. Postfix
c. Prefix
d. None of the above
82. back() method of list class is used to
a. Moves the “current” pointer to backward one element.
b. Moves the “current” pointer to backward two element.
c. Moves the “current” pointer to backward three element.
d. Moves the “current” pointer to backward four element.
83. next() method of List class is used to:
a. Moves the Current position backward one element
b. Moves the “Current” pointer to two steps after the last element of the array
c. Moves the Current position forward one element
d. Moves the “Current” pointer to two steps before the last element of the array
84. _________tree has been named after two persons Adelson-Velskii and Landis.
a. Binary
b. Black
c. AVL
d. VLA
85. There are four cases of rotation in an _______ tree.
a. ELV
b. EVL
c. AVL
d. ALV
86. _______ is used for reference variable in C++.
a. !
b. @
c. #
d. &
87. A _______ is a tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible.
a. Strict binary tree
b. Full binary tree
c. Perfect binary tree
d. Complete binary tree
88. A queue is a data structure where elements are
a. Inserted at the front and removed from the back
b. Inserted and removed from the top
c. Inserted at the back and removed from the front
d. Inserted and removed from both ends
89. Longest path from root node to farthest leaf node is called _______ of tree.
a. Level
b. Length
c. Depth
d. Node level
90. New items are added at the ______ of the stack.
a. Bottom
b. Middle
c. Center
d. Top
91. Length() method of list class is used to:
a. Return the length of the array
b. Return the length of the list
c. Return the length of empty part of the array
d. Return the length of empty part of the list
92. The function calls are made with the help of ________.
a. Stack
b. Heap
c. Dynamic memory
d. External memory
93. An efficient program execute faster and helps in _____ the usage of resources like memory and disk
a. Maximizing
b. Minimizing
c. Equalizing
d. None of the given
94. Generalized code written for a class is called:
a. Function
b. Template
c. Structure
d. Stack
95. “set()” method of list class is used to:
a. Set the value of Pointer
b. Set the value of Null Nodes
c. Set the value of objects
d. Set the value of Value
96. In C++, we place the class interface in ___ file.
a. .cpp
b. .cppp
c. .h
d. .hh
97. Every _____ tree is a binary search tree.
a. AVL
b. binary
c. big
d. small
98. If both left and right nodes of a node are NULL then this type of node is called ____ node.
a. Non leaf
b. internal
c. inner
d. leaf
99. Which of the following function don’t belongs to the stack class?
a. push()
b. pop()
c. crash()
d. top()
100. For a complete binary tree, the depth is calculated as____
a. log2(number of nodes+1)-1
b. log2(number of nodes*1)+1
c. log2(number of nodes-1)-1
d. log2(number of nodes-1)+1
101. ___ only removes items in reverse order as they were entered
a. Queue
b. Stack
c. Both of these
d. None of these
102. What will be the postfix expression of following infix expression? D+E*F/G
a. DE*F/G
b. DE+F*G/
c. DEF*/+
d. DE+FG*/
103. The ______ of a node in a binary tree is defined as the height of its ________ sub tree minus height of its right sub tree.
a. Height
b. Balance
c. Width
d. None
104. The back() method decreases the value of Variable current by____
a. Four
b. Three
c. Two
d. One
105. In doubly linked list there is/are_____pointer/s in each node.
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
106. Suppose we have the following values to be inserted in constructing AVL tree,
10, 13, 15, 5, 7, 8
Tell when first rotation will take place.
a. After inserting node 13
b. After inserting node 15
c. After inserting node 5
d. After inserting node 7
107. Binary search algorithm cannot be applied to ___
a. Sorted linked list
b. sorted binary trees
c. sorted linear array
d. None of given option
108. During the execution of a process operating system constructs focus things for that process which of the following is not part of that process
a. A section for static data including global variable
b. Stack
c. Heap
d. Linked list
109. Which one of the following method does not change the original value of the argument in the calling function?
a. Call by passing reference of the argument
b. Call by passing the address of the argument
c. Call by passing the value of the argument
d. None of the given options
110. _____ is the major factor to see the efficiency of a program.
a. Quality
b. Time
c. Correctness
d. None of the given
111. While implementing stack with an array and to achieve LIFO behavior, we used push and pop elements at ______.
a. The start of the array
b. The end of the array
c. The mid of the array
d. At least one position before array starting index.
112. A template is a function or class that is written with a ________
a. Specific
b. Definite
c. Generic
d. None of the above
113. In the linked list implementation of the stack class, where does the push member function places the new entry on the linked list?
a. After all other entries that are greater than the new entry
b. At the head
c. After all other entries that are smaller than the new entry
d. At the tail
114. The next field in the last node in a singly-linked list is set to ________.
a. 0
b. 1
d. False
115. Consider the linked list having data [6, 72, 35, 65,25] stored in it. While current pointer is pointing memory location having 72 stored in it. After calling remove() function on the following linked list current point will point to memory location having value?
a. 6
b. 35
c. 65
d. 25
116. If we write functions for recursive and non recursive inorder traversal method of BST, what will be the difference between its functions prototypes?
a. Different return types
b. Different function names
c. Different arguments list
d. Nothing will be different
117. In singly linked list a node comprises of _________ field/s.
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
118. Doubly linked list always has ______ NULL pointers in a node.
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
119. A BST generated from the data in ascending order is ________.
a. Linear
b. Nonlinear
c. Balanced
d. Un sorted
120. Linked list is generally considered an example of _______ type of memory location.
a. Static
b. Compile time
c. Dynamic
d. None of given options
121. What’s wrong with following loop?
while((i < 10) && (i > 24)){
a. The logical operator && cannot be used in a test condition
b. The while loop is an exit-condition loop
c. The test condition is always false
d. The test condition is always true
122. Making the tree unbalanced, it violates the ______ rule.
a. Linked list
b. Stack
c. AVL
d. Queue
123. copy() method of list data structure _________
a. copy first item of list
b. set one list to be a copy of another
c. copy last item of list
d. copy any item of list
124. Deleting a ______ node in BST is a ______ case.
a. Root, simplest
b. Left child, simplest
c. Right child, simplest
d. Leaf, simplest
125. We can not remove items randomly from ________
a. Stack
b. Queue
c. Both of these
d. None of these
126. NULL is an invalid address and ________.
a. Accessible
b. Inaccessible
c. Points to the start point of the list
d. Points to the last point of the list
127. A stack carries _______ behavior.
128. The tree data structure is a
a. Linear data structure
b. Non-linear data structure
c. Graphical data structure
d. Data structure like queue
129. Can we store elements with different data types in a single array?
a. Yes
b. No
c. In some cases
d. None of given
130. The lifetime of a transient object can exceed that of application which is accessing it.
a. True
b. False
c. In some cases
d. None of the given
131. In a complete binary tree, for 25000 nodes the depth will be _______.
a. 13
b. 14
c. 15
d. 16
132. The smallest value element in a binary search tree(Each node with left and right pointer)
lies at
a. Root Node
b. Left Child of Root
c. Right Most Node
d. Left Most Node
133. if we use array to implement list, then there is an issue that is gives difficulty when
a. We will access values randomly
b. We will remove data from it
c. We will increase its size
d. We will decrease its size
134. if there are ___ nodes in an avl tree its levels will be roughly as log2(10 million)
a. 100 million
b. 10 million
c. 5 million
d. 2 million
135. Which one is the correct function call for the following function of calculatincube?
int cube(int&num)
a. Cube(&num)
b. Cube(&&num)
c. Cube(*num)
d. Cube(num)
136. Which of the following is the correct option for priority Queue?
a. The type of Queue that is not FIFO i.e the person who comes first may not leave first
b. The type of Queue that is not FIFO i.e the person who comes first should leave first
c. The type of Queue that is not FIFO i.e the person who comes first should leave first
d. The type of Queue that is not FIFO i.e the person who comes first may not leave first
137. For String-based Binary Search Tree, We use ASCII values of characters for comparing among letters. This method is known as ___
a. Lexicographic order
b. Alphabet coding procedure
c. Asymmetric technique
d. heap-based approach
138. Elements in a queue data structure are added from___ and remove from___ .
a. Rear end. front end
b. Front end. Rear end
c. Front end
d. rear end
139. If numbers 5,222,4,48 are inserted in a queue. Which one will be remove first?
a. 48
b. 4
c. 222
d. 5
140. A zigzag rotation is performed. In Left-Left case of rotation in AVL tree.
a. True
b. False
c. In some cases
d. None of the above
141. During deletion of node from BST. if we found this node don’t have in- order successor and predecessor. it means this node is____
a. Left Most node in the binary search tree
b. Right most node in the binary search tree
c. Root node
d. None of the given option
142. _____ rule applies for evaluating operators of same precedence in an expression
a. right to left
b. Cascading
c. Associative
d. None of the above
143. What will be result of following postfix expression?
1 23*+2–
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 10
144. The main use of AVL tree is:
a. Searching of data
b. Storing of data
c. Insertion of data
d. Security of data
145. y = &x[0];
In the above statement, we get the address of the fist location of the array x and store it in y.
Here “y” is:
a. rvalue
b. xvalue
c. lvalue
d. zvalue
146. what will be postfix expression of the following infix expression? Infix expression a+b*c-d
a. ab+c*d-
b. abc*+d-
c. abcd+*-
d. abc+*d-
147. Which of the following is the correct conversion of infix to postfix expression? Z+B-(D-H)/K
a. ZB+D-H-K/
b. ZB+DH-K-/
c. ZB+DH-K/-
d. ZB+DHK–/
148. Leaf node of binary search tree contains _________.
a. One null pointer
b. Three null pointers
c. Two null pointers
d. All of the given
149. A tree is an AVL tree if
a. Any one node ful fills tha AVL condition
b. At least half of the nodes fulfill the AVL condition
c. All the nodes fulfill the AVL condition
d. None of the given options
150. The _____ of a binary tree is the maximum level of its leaves (also called the depth).
a. Level
b. Width
c. Height
d. None of the above
151. Memory address is stored in
a. Address operator
b. Reference
c. Pointer
d. All of the given
152. A binary tree is said to be a ______ binary tree if every non-leaf node in a binary tree has non-empty left and right sub trees.
a. Complete
b. Strictly
c. AVL
d. Perfect
153. “+” is a _________operator.
a. Unary
b. Binary
c. Ternary
d. None of the above
154. Which of the following a nonlinear tree
a. Stack
b. Que
c. Tree
d. Linked List
155. For every Process execute the last part of the Memory is for__________of the Program
a. Data
b. Code
c. Stack
d. Heap
156. While implement non recursive traversal for binary search tree we need to implement________
a. Que
b. Stack
c. Min heap
d. Max Heap
157. Suppose we have the following values to be inserted in constructing AVL tree,
20,23,25,10, 12,13
Tell when first rotation will take place.
a. After increasing Node 25
b. After increasing Node 23
c. After increasing Node 10
d. After increasing Node 12
158. If a tree has a 50 Node then the total linked in the tree will be
a. 55
b. 51
c. 50
d. 49
159. The percolate down procedure will move the smaller value ___and Bigger value___
a. Left, right
b. Right, left
c. Down, up
d. Up, down