CS201 Solved Grand Quiz Spring 2021

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CS201 Solved MCQs
1. ——- is used for input file or for reading from the file
2. Following is the declaration a —- array int arr[2][2][2];
3. !(x<3)mean in C++ that
X is greater than 3
4. Which of the following option is correct to complete the declaration of the function —-(parameter1, parameter2) {
//code to be executed}
Void function name
5. Of stream is used for
Output file stream
6. By default the starting index of an array in C++ is—
7. How we declare an array of integer data whose size is 20 with array name count
Int count[20];
8. Which of the following is a reserve word for data types in C/C++
9. C was developed with the help of— language
BCPL and B
10. An object of— class can be created for saving the current position of any opened file befor reading from the file
11. C++is a — language
High level
12. In while loop the loop counter is initialized at—
Before entering the loop
13. What is the output of the following code if the 3rd case is ture
Case “a”;
14. — character is used to indicate the end of the string
15. Which one of the following is used to perform bit wise exclusive or operation
16. If x=11, and x%=3, than values of x will be
17. A variable of character data type occupies — bytes in memory
18. Null character is represented by — C++
19. In computer system there are mainly — type of software
20. There is a pointer variable named ptr of type float which type of variable address can be stored by ptr
21. A character is stored in the memory in—
22. X is a integer variable what does X++ means
Add 1 X value
23. When we call a function its control
Transfers to its definition
24. “\0” takes — space in the memory
1 Byte
25. —- will be used for enclosing function statement into a block
26. How can we declare an array of characters whose size is 12 with array name “country”
Char country[12];
27. Following is the declaration of 2D array how many column are declared for this array int arr[3][2];
28. If we assign 2.06721 to an integer variable x, what will be the output if we print x using cout<<statement
29. We can access a global variable—
From anywhere in the program
30. We use — to include all those functions in our program which are located in different files
31. A character is stored in a memory in —
32. Which is not true regarding structures
We can declare array of structure
33. Mr .Ahmad sleep thirty hours every day .this sentence is—
Grammatically correct but illogical
34. — will explain the function of a program
35. Char**argv can be read as—
Pointer to pointer to char
36. What will be output of the following code
String name[4]={“ali”,”bilal”,”omer”,”ayeshan”};
39. !(x>3)means is in C++ that
X is less than 3
40. The data type before a function name represents its
Return type
40. The expression((a+b)==10))||((x+y)==20)is true only if
Either ((a+b)==10) OR ((x+y)==20)is true
41. We have opened a file stream my file for reading (getting) myfile tellg() given us the current get position of file pointer it returns a whole number of type—
42. = operator is used for—
Assigning values to variables
43. What is the use of is::trunk mode
To truncate an existing file to zero
44. Structures use—- allocation
45. Void myclass()
{ cout<<”I am student of BCSC.\n;}
Void my class2()
{ cout<<”I am student of BSIT.\n”;}
Int main()
{ my class2();
My clas();}
I am student of BSIT I am student of BSCS
46. What will be the size of the following character array
Char name[]=”Adeel”;
47. A— is an array of characters that can store number of character specified
48. —- statement is used to terminate the processing of a particular case and exit from switch structure
49. If y=20 and z=y++ then the value of z will be—-
50. If
Int a=17;
Int b=3;
Double c=a/b;
What will be value of variable c
51. What will be the output of the following code
String grade[3]={“A”,”B”,”C”};
52. Declaration of two dimensional array of integer having 3 rows and 5 column is following
In arr [3][5];
53. A=a+1; can be written as—
54. A record is a group of related
55. What will be the result of arithmetic expression 6+48/4*3
56. —- construct is used to execute a set of instruction when a condition is true and other set when it is false
57. If an array has 50 element what is allowable range of subscripts
58. If int a=50; then the value of a=3; will be
59. Which of the following option is/are correct about array?
Only one type of element can store in an array
60. Whenever some number is added in an array name it will jump as many—
61. —— returns true if c is a digit or a letter and false otherwise
Int isalnum(int c)
62. Which of the following is the default mode of the opening using the of stream class
63. In which language the compiler of c language is written
64. While loop executes at least
One time
65. String are accessed by variable of type
66. Which of the following is the correct operator to compare the values of two variables
67. Not operator is a —
Single input operator
68. Pointer point to a particular
Memory address
69. A function is a block of statement that can be defined once and used—-
As many times as user wants
70. —- function is used to find the number of characters in a string
71. != operator is used to check whether the operand on the left-hand side is—-
Not equal
72. A while loop many execute —- or more times
73. How we declare an array of integer data whose size is 20 with array name count
Int count[20];
74. A variable declared within a code block become —– variable for that block
75. If a file is opened with ios::out mode, then—-
We can write in this file
76. A function prototype is written —- the function call
77. —- loop is mostly used to perform repetition of a tasks for a known number of time
78. In shifting operations if zero is inserted at the left most bit the negative number will become a—
79. It is the job of — to transfer the executable code from hard disk to main memory
80. RAID stands for
Redundant array of inexperience device
81. Array indexes start from—
82. In call by reference — of a variable is passed to the called function
83. How many times the following do while loop will execute
Int k=10;
84. The name of a location in memory is called—
85. Which statement is used to close a file
86. —— allow us to have a memory location and use it as int or char interchangeably
none of the given
87. while handling files one can have—- option
all of the given
88. which is the correct syntax to define a structure named student
struct student{//variable};
89. <and> both are—– operators
90. Identify the logical error in the following if condition
Condition is always false
91. The use of* sign in first and second statements is called
Referencing dereferencing
92. C is widely known as development language of operating system
93. If x is declare as an integer what will be result of the given expression
94. What will be the correct syntax of declaration of the following statement
Const int*ptr
95. = operator is used for—–
Assigning values to variable
96. After evaluating the expression X=10+3*4/2-1 the value of x will be
97. We can read write and manipulate the same file using
98. Return type of a function that does not return any values must be—-
99. Pointer store the—
Memory address
100. —– operator uses the sign^
Exclusive OR
101. To get the values stored at a memory address we use the—
Dereferencing operator
102. C++ is a—- language
High level
103. Telling a computer what to do is called
104. Null character is represented by — c++
105. A character is stored in the memory in—-
106. Complier translates high level language program into —- language code
107. Each array declaration must provide the information about all these things except—
The location of the first element to be stored
108. Eof is used to check for the—- of file when a file is being read
109. The result of 4%3 will be
110. When the logical operator AND(&&0 combine two expression exp1 and exp2 then the result will be true only
When both exp1 and exp2 are true
111. Multi[3][3]element can also be accessed by
112. What is output of following code int data[10]={10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100};int*xptr=&data[4],
113. Which of the following is not the subcategory of the system software
None of the above
114. We get 12|8=— where “|”is(bit wise OR)
115. —-is a substitute of multiple if statement
If— elseif statement
116. Find out the logical error in following lines of code
Cout<<”x is 10”;
Assignment operator should not be used for comparison
117. Which is not true regarding structures
We can not declare pointers to structure
118. — are used to compile the code
119. A— structure specifies that can action is to be repeated while some condition remains true
120. In which language the compiler of c language is written
121. Character strings are terminated by—
122. A function is a block of statement that can be define once and used — in the program
As many times are user wants
123. — is used for output during the process of writing to the file
124. In case of two dimensional array if you add some number in a two dimensional array name it will jump to the next—
125. In while loop the condition is checked — the execution of loop
126. Which step is not not performed during a program design
Write details about the performance of program
127. We can say that a pointer is a variable that hodles the— address
128. When accessing a structure member the identifier to the left of the dot operator is the name of—-
Structure variable
129. Suppose we have a file name myfile.txt what will be the correct syntax of file opening for input
130. Suppose we have int y[10];
To access the 4th element of the array we write—
131. Which operator has the highest precedence
*and/both have the same highest precedence
132. To read command line argument the main() function itself must be given—
133. From the following which one is the range of random number generator function rand()
134. ________variables are those that are defined are outside of main
135. When the compiler overload the assignment (=) operator by Default then
Compiler does member wise assignment